Assassin’s Greed
Assassin’s Greed
Same here. Fortunately it’s PVE and I enjoyed it even more than the story campaign.
Have you tried Conquest Mode? Changes up things a bit and is definitely my highlight of the game.
I’d like them to give ‘Z’ (Bitmap Brothers) another go.
Call me naive, but I think, that’s what neighbors should do. Viva la humanity!
Thanks so much for all the tips! Sounds like I’ll have to give Stellaris a go, when the next Sale drops.
Bannerlords 2 and the others you all mentioned, sound really interesting, too! Damn, the next Sale’s gonna kill me financially and socially.
Physical media cannot be altered afterwards. That’s a thing Disney likes to do, for example.
Plus maximum video and audio quality. Some people don’t watch movies on phones or laptops, you know.
‘The ones I called, the ghosts - I can’t get rid of them!’
Not surprised… just upset.
If there’s a need for tips, your business model sucks and you should be ashamed of yourself.
If there’s no need for tips, you could just take some of your perverted bonuses or some of that ridiculous amount of money you take out of children’s pockets with micro transactions and show those people some love who did the actual work, you prick. They make millions and millions for you.
What a world we live in where asshats like that step forward and ejaculate their greed into the world and expect applause!
Consumer GPU shortage from hell incoming. Why would Nvidia waste their production on low end GPUs, if they can sell AI GPUs for what… 70K USD a piece? This might become worse than the shortages because of mining.
Remnant 2. Loved every bit of it.