Tandoor recipes
Tandoor recipes
Ansible-configured Ubuntu-based server rollout, with tag-based installation already available for the apps you listed.
Great docs & support Discord; simple yml configs for quick setup changes.
Single command updating entire server, Portainer for Docker management, rclone for NAS fusemount (cloudplow for syncing), & lots of additional software available to add to your setup.
Highly recommend.
FCC will now be led by Repubs, who like data caps, more mergers, not treating the Internet as a utility, blocking municipal networks, and ignore listening to public comment, and flood the zone with fake comments on issues that are popular.
The biggest expansion in fiber networks in the US was coming down the pipeline due to Biden’s infrastructure bills. The Republicans will do everything they can to slow and stop this money from its intended purpose.
Any hope of huge improvements in America’s internet infrastructure just went away with the Dem administration in order to improve ISP stock prices, meaning the Internet you are currently unhappy with will only get more expensive with less competition.
As intended, by how Americans voted.