what are prices like across the pond?
main: @milkytoast
here until ernest fixes kbin
what are prices like across the pond?
ludicrous prices? the nicest Dolby cinema tickets at AMC are like ten bucks
sure you spend more on snacks but you can also just not
huh is there a list somewhere by any chance of stuff that lost its trademark because it became too widely used? like trampoline, that’s a surprise
shit I just copied mine from some website. bookmarking that tho
or just dont pay. run the right commands and you unlock windows frww
that’s true. on Linux, I used the software center or whatever. Microsoft store tho? never
who the hell needs an app store on PC?
you say that as if everyone analyses every aspect of everything they encounter. most people will glance at the graph, see a huge jump, and not look into it more. that’s why statistics are so easy to falsify or make misleading
well yea but this also isn’t like important stuff so I didn’t bother looking
no one reads that. didn’t even bother to look. should be more transparent IMO but whatever
as someone said, its randomised, and I’m sure that other browsers also saw more downloads
oh they did? how so?
the shenenigans with USB 3 naming you mean? you’re right, this would be too logical for USB lol
would be neat to somehow have a standard color coding. kinda how USB 3 is (usually) blue, maybe there could be thin bands of color on the connector?
better yet, maybe some raised bumps so visually impaired people could feel what type it was. for example one dot is USB 2, two could be USB 3, etc
newest cersion of tiny 11 released recently, can disable copilot if u want
glorified autocorrect bad at math. who could have guessed
how could a kill switch not be enough? can’t run without power a.k.a pull the plug, destroy the hardware, done deal right?
they’re right, they should absolutely be allowed to use and profit off of other peoples work that they spent decades learning and perfecting
(this is sarcasm in case you can’t tell they’re dumb as fuck for saying that shut this company down today pls)