Racknerd is almost always the right answer. Just find one of their various specials for yearly servers amd get one.love those guys
Racknerd is almost always the right answer. Just find one of their various specials for yearly servers amd get one.love those guys
i like commafeed the best. webapp on android just works
it’s also dead simple with netbird few clicks in the gui to setup a subnet router or join the dns box to netbird, then add it as the dns for all or whatever subdomains you want.
Was going to say this too. I boitstrapped a financial trading compny using mostly cyberpower uos at the desks so have run a few hubdred of them over the last fifteen years with nounexpected problems. Replace them after fice years and rarely hd any die prematurely. Not to say this is a good idea, just that it imokies quality iant terrible. Lol
Third this. I use it for my personal vps’/vms/etc. email sending and liked it so much I replaced o365 send for machine accounts at work with it and it’s been sending 30k emails a month to my o365 domain (mostly reports programatically sent from one program/excel sheet [yah I know, don’t judge us, it works] to one or a set of users who have 0365 email accounts on my work domain) with no trouble for over a year now. I pay as I go on that account but it’s usually 17-25 dollars a month, way less than what I was paying when I had a smaller subset of current senders on o365 and with way less pain because it supports less annoying for programming methods of authentication without having to whitelist ips, which was often impossible because people moved their laptops around and sent from different locations.
floccus syncs to linkwarden as of a very recent release and it’s an amazing combo, I’m loving it.
Almost none now that i automated updates and a few other things with kestra and ansible. I need to figure out alerting in wazuh and then it will probably drop to none.
What is KPW4?
Thats not the feature i would port to paperless.paperless needs an o counter lol.
In firefox on android i just flip the switch to request desktop site amd its mostly fine…
Have you checked out vikunja? (https://vikunja.io/) It was a pretty easy replacement of ticktick for my family.
yah, my house is wired with copper and 10 gig copper uses a lot of power. It doesn’t really help that the new slightly less power hungry 48 port 10 gig switches are thousands of dollars. I’m using 100 to 150ish watts per 10 gig switch to be able to buy the switch for under 500 bucks instead of using 60-100 watts and paying 2-5k per switch…
dell powerconnect 8164’s and arista 7050tx’s . House is wired with copper so 10 gig copper is what I have to use and that’s power hungry.
50 watts is maybe halfof one of my 10 gig switches…
More like he buys powerball ticket in his country and numbers win equivalent prize in lucky guys country
I am running proxmox at a moderately sized corp. The lack of a real support contract almost kills it, which is too bad because it is a decent product
Just came here to say this, it workson a 10 dollar a year racknerd vps for me no problem. Matrix chugs on my much bigger vps, although it is sharing that with a bunch of other things, overall it should have mich more resources.
Those are puny mortal numbers… my backup nas is more than twice that…
I use rss-bridge for the popular stuff but I’ve found rss-funnel to be nicer for creating my own scrapes (mostly taking rss feeds that link to the website instead of the article and adding a link to the article mentioned on the website (https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel)
12 to 40 bucks a year depebding on which racknerd vps yiu need. I spend aboit 15 a yaet on mine but it only has me and my facebookessenger slidge bridge