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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • That’s a good point, it’s probably way less load and overhead if Reddit and Google just sent info back and forth instead of scraping. Good way for Google to keep their spot as the favoured search engine and beat the competition too, since everything that comes up these days are articles full of SEO nonsense at best, then AI generated nonsense at worst. If nobody else can read the actual human responses, Google has a huge leg up. Also interesting to see that Google’s honouring the txt file even when nobody’s holding them to it.

    I had no idea Twitter’s search updated their index immediately after a comment is posted though. That’s a lot of updates considering the amount of posts they get daily.

  • Listen I’m all for Linux and use it myself, but this is not the way to get people to switch. Even I’m starting to get annoyed by all the answers in these threads being “Just switch to Linux, there are definitely no problems and it’s a 1:1 workflow.” (Yes, hyperbole. But you get the idea.) If a user has an issue and does not want, or cannot, switch to Linux, then Linux is not the solution.

    You’re not wrong. They’re still stuck in the “abusive relationship” with MS. In fact you’re absolutely right. But trying to push Linux onto these people like this only results in their view of Linux getting worse, and makes them more likely to stay on Windows to avoid the insufferable Linux users. It’s coming from a good place, but it’s honestly not helping. Every solution needs to consider the user’s use case and their parameters, or else it doesn’t matter. In the end what you’re saying is not wrong at all, but you’re still not offering the right solution.