Engineering is the usual path into SCADA, but most firms require specialists and networking is certainly a needed specialty.
moved over to
Engineering is the usual path into SCADA, but most firms require specialists and networking is certainly a needed specialty.
I’m not trying to convince. I’m trying to say use less words.
coughs between drags
yea prolly. fuck that.
Your entire comment can be boiled down to “I don’t find this “tenable” and the issue isn’t important to me relative to other issues”.
That’s fine. You can think that. Just go the brevity route next time. It respects the reader more than a wall of text.
That’s a really easy conclusion to come to when you weren’t the one being targeted.
And that’s a lot of words to say this isn’t your issue so you aren’t doing anything about it. Nobody needs the hand wringing. You can just say it.
He can still think it sucks though and nothing you said changes that.
Hey guys remember when Brave packed in a crypto miner with their software and didn’t tell their users?
Man that was cool
What the other dude said, but the level of sophistication was miles beyond what you typically see from even nation states. The takeaway is you cannot defend yourself from a nation that wants your information.
All the browsers were complete shit though. That was iterative but it felt huge.
Imma let y’all finish but the Palm Pre was the GOAT
My first union had that reputation. I became a steward and was known as a reformer. Honestly, they weren’t particularly corrupt or self dealing, they were just really bad at messaging for the employees. Over time, it just became “common knowledge” that the leadership was secretive and self dealing.
I don’t mean that to say that yours wasn’t self dealing. Those existed and continue to exist. But I have also never been in a union where the labor body was involved and took it seriously and also had those kinds of problems. If there’s one takeaway I learned from unions, it’s that we get the union we deserve. When we’re in it and active as a body, those were always the best unions. When we have an apathetic labor body, we have an apathetic union.
There will always be factions like every other human activity. People will often be tribal to the detriment of the whole. But at the same time, in my experience, those most against “unions” were almost always the people least involved or not involved at all.
This is a very exciting time. I’ve been a union guy for 25 years and I will go to my grave not understanding the fierce resistance to unions by my X gen and the boomers. When they would say unions were bad, I’d say let’s make ours amazing and… they just refused.
I never thought I would see the resurgence of American labor unions. This is an absolute joy to see.
Thanks for posting this. I didn’t know it existed.