That’s a franchise I didn’t see getting rebooted again. I’m intrigued, it’s got a very Square Enix Deus Ex vibe coming from the abilities shown off but it could really easily just be linear mandatory stealth section set piece stuff.
That’s a franchise I didn’t see getting rebooted again. I’m intrigued, it’s got a very Square Enix Deus Ex vibe coming from the abilities shown off but it could really easily just be linear mandatory stealth section set piece stuff.
I’d happily take anything Eve related if you’re offering, I got sucked back into it awhile ago
I replaced mine with a G Pro Wireless. Similar enough shape that it was still comfortable to switch to but lightweight and no cable to snag. Wouldn’t go back to having a cable, such a huge improvement.
My MX518 is still sees daily use, just with a family member now. I think it’s old enough to drink now (edit: not American lmao). The Logitech logo at the palm has been worn down to nothing but otherwise doesn’t look too bad.
I’m surprised at how hard seeing Max again hit me. I don’t have much interest in playing a new LiS game, but I still got unreasonably emotional dredging up memories of the first game.