Only if I use the mint soap.
Almost as smuuth as sharks.
Only if I use the mint soap.
If that’s a “real car” then my left testicle is a genuine mild Italian meatball.
That’s his videos now. Get you to watch them to hype Crunch Labs.
Wait, hydrogen? After SWB, you mean.
Yup! Let’s account for all of it! Seriously! Let’s find the optimal lowest carbon solution!
Great. Is hydrogen powered construction and mining equipment common? No. So until it is, my statement stands. Concluding that all equipment is clean because it CAN be is daft.
Clean until you use a bunch of equipment to get it captured. The hydrogen might be carbon free, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a carbon footprint.
Convince me otherwise, but the only green hydrogen is from renewable energy powered electrolysis.
I would LOVE to know what, if any IP, patents, or tech came out of this whole thing. I’m guessing “not much”.
I want my Google Plus back.
Kinda surprised they’re not called vomitoyles.
But they’re not using drunk people, they’re using hung over people. Not sure why, it’s an interesting question.
Formerly inebriated people.
A free burger would make for a very expensive data set methinks.
So, who is providing the software? Because that’s who is paying to get a unique data set of face images. Specifically Brazilian faces of people who either self-indentify as hung over or want to try to game the system for a discount. I’ll let you guess which population is going to be bigger.
How do you drive demand? If there’s no infrastructure you can’t sell anything that relies on said infrastructure. How’s California’s Hydrogen Highway doing? Not good. Demand and infrastructure go hand in hand, and you can’t magically make one develop without the other. Thinking otherwise is merely wishful thinking.
What Toyota is doing isn’t a good indicator. They’ve been at hydrogen for decades. And they are the single biggest laggard for decarbonizing transportation. That’s not even an opinion, that’s just facts about their lobbying and marketing. No amount of research will make hydrogen infrastructure appear.
Hah, no. Storage and infrastructure are still non-existent. And low temperature operation is still an issue.
I’ve always hoped so. Finally deal with both range anxiety and charging time together.
Precisely. A golf cart is more genuinely a car.