Eyy lmao
Digg * Reddit + Lemmy / 4chan = X
Eyy lmao
Says “steak”
And aerosol cans, don’t forget the aerosol cans
Digg on the other hand did not see it coming.
I totally agree with your second paragraph… but, I honestly worry about bad actors. We see it enough with war. I just don’t trust other people to not use the leftovers or to destroy the reactors to not create massive damage. It’s seemingly the nature of man.
It’s a valid point in this case and I’m not attacking your character, I have respect for engineers/designers especially when it comes to reducing pollution. Rather I am attacking your position, which is not without bias, would you not agree on that?
Ahh you’re not naive you are biased. Anything you say is effectively propaganda. Jog on.
Yeah, still not radioactive nasty though. Don’t get how you are all so naive. The only reason most countries have a nuclear program is so they have nuclear weapons.
Wierd spin you put on all of that. Burn the solar panels and blades. Reclaim the energy in heat and its still way safer than nuclear waste.
Then you are truly a margin case and need to stop shoveling your irrelevant opinion into a greater conversation.
These people that come along and go “EV’s are no good cos I live 50 + miles from the nearest shop and I’m not willing to pause and let my vehicle charge for 20 mins when I am there.” They are taking the piss out of everyone by butting into conversation and making their demands.
You’re right, if they’d have admitted it was because she was li/fo then she could have claimed employment benefits which they have to pay towards I believe. They were criticising her performance to avoid that.
Cow tipping isn’t real. No way anyone can push over half a ton of moo. It’s a wierd urban myth. (From the guy who ruins jokes)
They can’t stop piles of flytipping but they can do this. Jokes.
Did you even read what they said? Read it again, they were talking about tables and monitors as well.
Also I may need to point out they were making a joke about cramming more people into a smaller space.
What I see are cables is coming out of a lamppost. I’m all for electric cars but I can’t see a reasonably safe solution to all the cars on the street being connected.
Someone doesn’t know what British (European) streets are like.
Top Gear were completely phony though, they purposefully ran the battery flat before the demo. This is known. Elons a douche but so is Clarkson.
Just not with emmisions, or government supported market manipulation.
It protects the car, it’s a way for the greater battery drain an electric car probably has to be offset. It’s like carrying around an extra tank of fuel. It could genuinely save lives whilst electric cars develop. Soo many reasons yes vs weight gain.
Edit: even weight gain is going to be negligible if the panel is implemented like a sunroof and see through. That would be lighter than metal and only the solar charge controller is added weight. Considering there are controllers for charging anyway this maybe less than I imagine.
Beautiful second paragraph