good, maybe the next time this technology will help identify these “palestinians” BEFORE they stick explosives on Israeli buses again, eh?
good, maybe the next time this technology will help identify these “palestinians” BEFORE they stick explosives on Israeli buses again, eh?
I deleted my previous replay because my brain is broken and roman numerals fuck me up, what I meant to say was Star Wars I, II, and III (not IV, V and VI, though Return has always been a lesser ran in my book)
deleted by creator
I loved Prometheus, I thought it was going deep canon on the Alien franchise, and even though it wasn’t perfect I so very much dug it, Ridley Scott saw some bad reviews, pussied out, and put Alien:Covenant out there to undo all the stuff he began with Prometheus. Covenant was such a garbage forgettable movie, followed by Romulus which was garage/fan service waste of time. Oh for the timeline we could have had, had they built upon the canon/story of Prometheus.
I don’t think that’s correct, and even if it is I will refuse to acknowledge it
“posted by accident, trying to delete now”
bow chicka bow bow
cool, sounds good. (the Community gif where Troy walks into the room with Pizza, Pierce has been shot, and there’s fire everywhere)
Google has gone to shit, but it’s the only webpage I can click with one hand, that allows me to hit the microphone button and ask it to search for something for me, whilst in a reclining position. Bing just started doing that too, it’s Bing is fucking completely unusable. There’s no free voice control add on for Firefox anymore, after they shitcanned it years ago.
I used to love trailers, like they were my favorite part of the moviegoing experience, see new stuff, ooh and ahh at what was coming. With the advent of the internet, and the dissemination of movie trailers on tap literally any time, now the movie theater pre roll is all ads and trailers i’ve seen before. Not that I’d know how bad it’s gotten in the last 5 years, which is the last time I went to sit in an actual movie theater
Mid Stage Fascism isn’t going to be a walk in the park either
“trying to delete now”
the world is now gripped in the great struggle between democracy and fascist disassembly with the worlds only superpower squarely onside with a criminal fascist government of russia with no regard for human life even of it’s own citizens, with Billions of real lives on the line all around the world, a great many of us will be fighting over tinned beans and rainwater in the next years, there is nothing boring about being able to prepare yourself to keep your family and loved ones as protected as you can, with forewarning, and kite surfing ain’t gonna do that. fishing will become more and more useful though, that’s a good one.
I’m finding it just like Twitter used to be (which is what I heard it was, and expected before I signed up), minus the overt Nazis, and able to weed out the AntiSemites easily enough with an actual “fuck off into the shadow realm i can’t see you you can’t see me” block function, as apposed to what Mbin/Lemmy offer which is simply masking
I do not hold with this, at all. After leaving Twitter two years ago, and going to Mastodon, and Mbin, when the world started to come to an end three weeks ago, when Trump flipped to making the US and ally of Russia against the world, I needed to be plugged in, so with years of reservations against supporting anything fucking Jack was involved in (he’s still the largest single shareholder of bluesky stock, so fuck off telling me he stepped away from the board), I finally signed up for Bluesky, because when shit is going down, I don’t need to be browsing some lefty tankie currated community for realtime news, I need to be jacked in to the widest collective there is, so I can parse and disseminate information for every source possible.
I’m not sure anyone in the history of film has been allowed to repeatedly wipe their shitty ass with an iconic beloved franchise as this woman has with Star Wars, even after years of all her decisions literally turning to shit, and turning an entire generation off of a core global property, which needed to be treated with respect and love for it’s fans, this woman trashed it, and was allowed to keep trashing it. One of the more amazing business failures I’ve ever seen.
that’s great stuff, that, all north korea had to do was be patient, and be smarter than those who were charged with coding the protection. if you aren’t smart enough, or vigilant enough, to protect the asset, it’s as good as investing pyrite and funneling your money directly to terrorists.
with as many seeds that israeli archeologists regularly turns up in clay pots, like the judean date palm seeds which were 2000 years old, it’s not without precedent that at some point this silphium could be found and resurrected