5500 on steam. 1500 before steam. The best game, and most value for money i have ever spent
5500 on steam. 1500 before steam. The best game, and most value for money i have ever spent
You want all applications to explisitly support each individual filesystem? That sounds insane. It is absolutly fair to demand some common ground like posix compliance. And a windows user can like anyone else just mount their git repo area using any other filesystem.
Absolutly. And they can just mount the git store using another filesystem. Would be the by far easiest solution.
Snort! I hate that you are right ;)
Basicaly they do not think their game is any good. So if someone takes the deal. I instantly loose interest. I mean if even the developer think it is no fun…
For there to be competition, there have to be some features. Epic just uses exclusivity deals as an alternative to features.
I am not sure what that is, but there is no competition.
Ipv4 is not even ipv4 compatible. You use nat to translate one type of ipv4 into another to talk on the internet. Ipv6 is using nat in the same way.
The problem is that ipv4 is not forward compatible ( naturally ). So ipv6 can talk to both, ipv4 only to ipv4.
This for sure. Making games easily accessible on linux have lead to a lot of people not having to deal with windows anymore.
It is the same effect as a kidnapping victim beeing grateful when someone comes to release them fom the torture rack. It is not strange that valve gets a lot of goodwill from their actions.
Would i sish more people did as steam does? Ofcourse! But none do, so we are grateful for steam. I think they saved pc gaming. And not only for linux.
That only applies for steam keys afaik. You can not sell your steam keys cheaper anywhere else, since steam is on the hook for the cost and services. That is fairly logical.
A dev can charge whatever if they deal with all that themself on their own webpage forinstance.
edit: had a hrd time finding the video i knew i had seen this on : https://v.redd.it/xnl8xyki4h5d1/DASH_1080.mp4
This! That falsehood is so disgusting. And erodes all goodwill they may have accidentaly aquired
They are not rapidly moving… no wonder you miss them
I install molly-guard on important machines for this reason. So fast to do a reboot on the wrong ssh session
Everybody knew exactly what kilo mega and giga ment. when drive vendors deliberatly lied on there pdf’s about their drive sizes. Warnings were issued: this drive will not work in a raid as a replacement for same size!!. And everybody was throwing fumes on mailinglists about the bullshit situation.
But money won, as usual.
Source: threw fumes!
People have experience.
I think true, but most discs i have, has digital audio.
Still have my laserdisc collection. It is just collecting dust. But I do not have the heart to part with them.
Laserdisc had 4 audio tracks 2 digital and 2 analog. The digital tracks was what later became the cd. The analog tracks was often used by audio commentary along the movie and such.
Total cookie protection can have site breakage, even for very casual users. And it is enabled by default. That beeing said it is easy to stop for a site. And quite rare. Total cookie protection is a very nice fix for the cookie tracking issue imho.
That they are miles better then the competition, does not mean there are no room for improvements.
You just need a bigger house