Yeah if you watch the iFixit tear down it’s obvious these things are just packed to the gills with tech. I’m not mega surprised they ended up costing so much. It’s really bleeding edge.
That said it’s way too expensive for me to get on board and I think they made some poor choices. Especially the outer display. The amount of weight, battery drain, fragility, and (presumably) expense that display alone added is just plain dumb. And it looks a lot worse IRL than in their videos.
I also think the aluminum looks great but I wonder how much lighter the headset would be if it were plastic without the outer display and glass.
Ah fair enough did not catch that. As someone who bike commuted in Seattle for years, they’re insane.
This is Seattle so unless he’s only delivering on the 1 light rail line they have, it’s gonna almost definitely be by car.
The pressure sensitive trackpad has been a home run, nobody has better trackpads. Period.
But yeah the touchbar was pretty meh and poorly supported and ended up being half baked in the long run.
Also one of the firsts to go all in on USBC on a laptop. Sure they spun their wheels on mobile but I gotta give them props for taking the plunge in their computers. Lotta people bitched about it but it needed to happen.
They really seem to have lost any semblance of vision
Icke has literally been on this kick for like 30+ years. Idk if he believed himself when he got started but the dude is so far down the rabbit hole of his own bullshit he surely believes it by now.
Brave is shady af and iirc Opera got bought by some Chinese spyware company.
Who is this even for? 10 gigs is a rounding era in drive space.
I also miss being able to properly shoulder a handset to keep your hands free.
Earbuds are the superior option.
Prob just some losers on TikTok pretending like it’s the newest trend but not really using one in real life.
A fool and their apes are soon parted
Free one. I found it to be a lot worse than Chat GPT’s free tier. I didn’t test it mega in depth but I threw some of the same “rewrite this copy but make it better in \ way” sort of tasks I’ve used GPT for and it turned around ridiculously bad writing.
I then asked it if it thought that what it had produced was good writing and comically it told me that it was bad and full of cliches and that I should avoid using it. I’m not making that up.
I tried Gemini and it did some of the worst writing I’ve seen in some time. YMMV
Yeah I don’t know why it’s a surprise to anyone that NFT losers are now morphing into AI losers. It’s a bunch of talentless hacks trying to get rich quick through the lowest possible input of effort. Bonus points that they get to annoy a lot of people in the process.
Totally disagree with you. VR even in its currently pretty early stages is an absolute blast. Some of the most fun I’ve had gaming any time recently has been on a Quest 2. And I grew up on 8 and 16 bit consoles so I’ve been through the gamut of gaming experiences.
When the technology does another 5-10 years of advancing it’s going to be absolutely huge.
And to your point about old people not getting tech, my grandmother and mom both love VR and play games and do workouts on Quest together. They actually use them more than I do.