I have seen image recognition or text RPGs with type script types, but
const ok:true = true as Grid< 4, 9, 2
Imho besser als Matrix, insbesondere für diesen Anwendungsfall: https://simplex.chat/invitation#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F6iIcWT_dF2zN_w5xzZEY7HI2Prbh3ldP07YTyDexPjE%3D%40smp10.simplex.im%2Fe8AX2DIXs-I8NyhXp78EWaqi5bM4M9DX%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAubeSxurOHr0KTlcrVs3dle2V6ScAsm3QWEeuHFiq
I have seen image recognition or text RPGs with type script types, but
const ok:true = true as Grid< 4, 9, 2
Why does it mean less vulnerabilities overall?
We already have tinder like for vscode: https://github.com/benawad/vsinder
More Server side logic means more vulnerabilities on your end.
Why? I like that the Webplatform gives more Freedom to the Users.
Its fixed now