I’ve just installed it on both devices. Thanks!
Ooooh, I didn’t know about that. Thanks!
I disabled antivirus, tried again, and was told W11 home was already permanently activated. No upgrade-to-pro option. Oh, well.
Thanks. I’ve done the iTunes thing & find it cumbersome. Remote-sharing apps require that the OS permit remote sharing. W11 home version doesn’t.
Thanks. That works. Just looking for something a little less cumbersome.
Thanks. Done that. Trying to do it without the cable.
I tried MAS & got this error msg. Maybe I’ll go offline, turn off antivirus, & try again. If I understand correctly, no remote-control apps will work unless that’s enabled in Windows.
Yes. I’ve used all of them, back to XP, & before that, MS-DOS. I bought a new computer a couple of years ago, & W11 came with it.
One of these days… I like my apps. I understand there aren’t as many available for Linux.
Other discs work in same drive. This happened once before, and I used an app called BurnAware to fix and rip the DVD. Apparently it’s part of DRM meanness. BurnAware isn’t working on this one.
Wow! Thanks!