It’s by far my favorite text editor on Windows. The first time I used it (I think to edit cfg files for Skyrim mods, lol), I was hooked. It’s great to know it’s creator is so principled.
It’s by far my favorite text editor on Windows. The first time I used it (I think to edit cfg files for Skyrim mods, lol), I was hooked. It’s great to know it’s creator is so principled.
IMO it’s the perfect balance of powerful when you need it, simple when you don’t.
Sure, there are still some compatibility issues, but it’s still by far the largest plug-and-play library of any handheld by an incredible margin.
You should anyway. Upgrading every generation is a huge waste of money.
I think most self-hosted Git+CI/CD platforms have container registry as a feature, but I’m not aware of a service that is just a standalone registry.
People will really blame a vague “liberal agenda” for anything , huh?
“My business model no longer makes sense in the current market? Nah, it must be wokeness.”
Is this studio never making another game then?
This incident will be reported.
That URL is https://github.com/FranchuFranchu/totally-normal-terminal-recording/raw/refs/heads/master/recording.ttyrec.gz for those who want to try themselves.
I think the terminal is 1 line taller than the video and that line is the bottom of the previous frame.
Anecdotally, I’ve had way more audio issues in Windows than I’ve had in Linux.
Linux audio setups don’t always work out-of-the-box, and sometimes require a bit more configuration, but once you get them set up the way you like, they stay that way.
Windows audio configuration is flaky as hell. It’s constantly changing with updates, and I’ve had so many issues with drivers just silently failing. It seems to have the most trouble with discrete sound cards and USB audio interfaces. I can’t tell you how many Discord and Teams calls I’ve had in Windows where the first 5 minutes is re-configuring audio settings that didn’t stick. This is basically a non-issue in my Linux setups.
macOS audio is probably the best combination of easy to configure and it works consistently. The biggest downside is that you need a lot of 3rd party software to do anything more advanced than setting a single device and volume for the entire system.
Note: I primarily use pipewire now. I used to have more problems back when I used pulseaudio.
Youtube is probably the most difficult platform on the internet to replace. Video content delivery is extremely resource heavy and technically complicated, especially once you start to scale. Many, many competitors have attempted it over the years, and while some found their niche, none of them have achieved anywhere close to the scale of Youtube.
It took decades of Youtube to become profitable, only doing so after achieving mind-boggling economy of scale. The majority of humans on earth have used Youtube. About half of all (global) internet users use it monthly. I don’t know if any other platform can claim stats like that.
Youtube is one of those platforms that only exists because it got a head start in the unique conditions of the early internet. I don’t know if it’s even possible to create a true competitor, though I could see multiple platforms taking over different niches.
This is the real answer. Defaults are king. Most people don’t even bother to customize their settings on any platform, let alone change platforms.
Very few people go out of their way to install a different OS than the one a device came with. Many people don’t even realize you can.
You’re right. It’s part of a propaganda strategy to trick US media to “discuss” trivial things like this instead of focusing on the real harm the administration is doing.
It seems like that’s what they’re working on right now.
Except they did stop that shady practice, so your original boycott doesn’t make sense anymore.
This is a completely different issue of other companies trying to sell fraudulent Seagate drives used in crypto mining farms as new. They are responding by shutting down sales until they can root them out.
This is why actually reading the article is important instead of “brand I don’t like bad”.
Nice! I think it looks great. I love the laptop that opens when you scroll.
I thought the ‘bin’ folder in program folders was where they put trash for longer than I’d like to admit. >_<
That’s funny, I hadn’t heard that before. Situations like this is why actual humans will always make better translators (overall).
Native readers can almost always tell when something was just run through a translation tool, because translation is about meaning, not just word/phrase replacement. Even LLMs will make weird contextual mistakes because there’s no fundamental understanding of meaning.
Shareholders are a poison to innovation in general.