I can proxy for you.
They don’t charge me tax and only $15 shipping. Then shipping within the EU is 15 euros max
I have 2 x 20tb mirrored for hot storage
2 pools x 3 x 20tb in Z1 for warm backup.
And I have 2 x 14tb for cold storage
2 x 18tb at a remote location
All are refurbished drives
I’m running 160tb of refurbished Exos right now.
I throughout the years
2 x 10tb
2 x 14tb
3 x 16tb
12 x 18tb
8 x 20tb
I’ve only had 2 x 16tb fail within 500 hours. All other disks have 7k+ hours and are running fine.
As long as you manage your backups properly, you won’t need to worry.
Bought mine through server part deals. Their 2 year warranty is so painless. Shoot them the SN and smart data and you just swap disks.
If they don’t have the disk they just refund you completely.
Raw files from cameras have meta data that tells raw converters the info of which color profile and lenses it’s taken with, but any camera worth using professionally doesn’t have any native corrections on raw files. However, in special cases as with lenses with high distortion, the raw files have a distortion profile on by default.
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