2 years later, somewhere in their sales and marketing departments:
“Hey, you know what would make us even more money?”
“No, but do tell”
“Genius - how is it nobody has ever thought of this before?”
2 years later, somewhere in their sales and marketing departments:
“Hey, you know what would make us even more money?”
“No, but do tell”
“Genius - how is it nobody has ever thought of this before?”
Roku somehow thinking that the Ferengi rules of acquisition was a how-to guide book.
Jeff Geerling discusses having done the same, in one of his videos.
“This here’s the Lockpocking Lawyer, and today we’re going to take a closer look at the Flipper Zero….”
“WHOA THERE DUDE! Geez, didn’t you see that paper cup being blown by the wind?? Totally saved your ass.”
A fellow Marlboro Coors Lite Ford Chevy SUV pickup banking insurance sportsball enthusiast, I see