Friday Night Funkin’ against Richard Stallman
Friday Night Funkin’ against Richard Stallman
I do that too, I have my own server in my basement for storage
Best password manager is offline password manager.
KeepassXC makes a file with the passwords that is encrypted, sharing this file with a server is more secure than letting the server manage your passwords
Better played with a cookie in the middle
None of the packages I compile from source are essential to my working system. I have a private chatbot to test, some emulators and dsda-doom.
Every one of those programs can be one or two versions obsolete and it won’t make a difference.
I just complie from source some lightweight programs that are too niche for repositories. I am in no way advocating for full source compilation of every program in your system, that’s a security and usage nightmare. Flatpack does have its use for sandboxing an environment. I personally use it for windows applications in bottles.
Yes, it would depend on your flatpack usage. For me I only have like 5 programs compiled from source and one flatpack (bottles) because of the sandboxing
Just compile from source?
Yes, that could be an alternative to computing hashes, I don’t know what option would be less resource intensive
Yes, that’s why I’m proposing it as opposed to just one pixel to differentiate between ad and video. Youtube videos are already separated in sections, just add some metadata with a hash to every one.
Hey, I like sailing the high seas as much as the next one but shouldn’t those links be relegated to the megathread?
That is prone to error, just a pixel can be too small of a sample. I would prefer something with hashes, just a sha1sum every 5 seconds of the current frame. It can be computed while buffering videos and wait until the ad is over to splice the correct region
For me I thought compatibility would hold me back but I never used the windows partition in my dual boot so I ended up deleting it after a reinstall
Present, I’m the tar cvJf
For the void to point back at you just dereference the NULL pointer
French dead link?
The way to combat AI in my opinion is open sourcing every model and training data so that experts can devise methods to check if some text is similar enough to the ones generated by public models
Then you forget about local models that can’t generate text as polished as hosted ones but will not have the watermark
Just guessing here but could it be because you haven’t set up correctly pt2 as stdin for pt3, try to invoke the command as
Truly a Sisyphus tale