It’s a very simple film without much depth to be honest. Memoir of a snail was far better.
It’s a very simple film without much depth to be honest. Memoir of a snail was far better.
Who said that? That’s not the limiting factor. Also, smartwatches have crappy processors.
Supposedly, what’s hard is making a phone with good performance and battery life that’s also small.
Maybe, just maybe, the context in which you use regex isn’t the same as everyone elses. But hey, who am I to deny you the disservice of thinking you’re the center of the world?
Maybe for your very specific use case that’s true. However, other use cases exist and for many of those RegEx is the better option.
You’re discussing a completely different use case from what I said. RegEx can be increidbly useful but it’s not always the only/best option.
Not even close. Sometimes you can have a large text file where you need to do a find replace with a pattern. For example, in the translation world this can be a common occurrence for translation files (.xliff) or translation memories (.tmx).
There’s a reason why this is widely used and it’s not because everyone else but you is dumb.
Hard disagree. The function regex serves in programs like Notepad++ can’t be easily replaced by “writing it out in code”. With a very small number of characters you can get complex search patterns and capturing groups. It’s hard to read but incredibly useful.
You’ve been watching too much Mr. Robot.
K. Keep using a service you hate then, I guess.
Dude, if you dislike it that much you could just like… not use it?
Afaik, business units are individual. Their products don’t finance each other.
If you see 0 ads and don’t pay anyone, I’m not sure how the service could be sustainable. I’m also against ads but only if you’re actually paying. That’s why I do pay for a yt family plan but also use adblock+sponsorblock.
It has a hundred desktops
Are you referring to distros? Just pick one that’s widely used and that’s it.
An absence of major software like ms office. Adobe and autodesk suites
You can use it online. Or, even better, use something like LibreOffice. For adobe and autodesk you’re SOL but that’s very intentional and it sucks. The only solution is a VM.
and not being able to avoid the command line when shit hits the fan.
I don’t really get this. You can’t avoid using cmd on windows either when shit goes wrong. There’s nothing strange there.
Yeah, right.
I would hope 16C/32T CPU from 2017 could handle software transcoding
I didn’t say it couldn’t handle it. Just that it was very inefficient.
peak power consumption while playing a movie does not really matter compared to idle power consumption
I mentioned both things. Did you actually read my comments?
I think it’s a point of a interest for any hw running 24/7 but you do you.
Regarding transcoding, are you saying you’re not even doing it? If you are, doing it with your cpu is far more inefficient than using a gpu. But again, different strokes I guess.
Isn’t ryzen not recommended for transcoding? Plus, I’ve read that power efficiency isn’t great. Mostly regarding idle power consumption.
First, that’s your personal usecase. Second, they’re very handy in some games were you have to select an area for example or when you’re in desktop mode. I haven’t used them that much either but they are useful.
Not having dialogue has nothing to do with. While the animals can only be so complex (if acting “naturally”), the storytelling is not limited to just that. They could’ve probably told more about the world with the elements and places the animals found. The animation was pretty crappy at some points too. The dog for example was not very well done.
Regardless of all of this, I’m not saying it should have been different, I only wanted to express that this movie is not worthy of an oscar when compared to something like Memoir Of A Snail, imo.