“Iam trapped in c++”, lol
“Iam trapped in c++”, lol
I am on kubuntu and on a intel igpu. The search results mostly read arch plus nvidia as a bad combination. Perhaps or probably i just got lucky with my hardware.
What was the issue with kubuntu?
The moment when you try to rename a folder in windows from Hello to hello and it doesn’t work.
Can you tell me the ungarian one, my girl friend wants to know.
I remember how impressive that was as a kid, when i played ridge racer on psx the first time.
Nice to her! Which vsts do you use? Sadly i stopped doing music some years ago, but i have bitwig and some bought vsts. I wondered using them will be an issue. Like if they have an installer for windows.
I installed arch with steam and gamescope. Its just like the steamdeck as a pc. You already can have this right now.
I recently made the switch and motivated a friend who is still on win7 to go to linux. While installing and setting up his system i realised that you still need some konsole handling skills, that normal windows user not really have. To me thats normal, growing up with dos and win311, but if you started with win 2000 or later. Thats all new stuff.
I think laptops/computers that are all ready setup completely usable, should be a thing, thought.
The windows 11 ads worked. I installed Linux a month ago and would say the transition is done and iam really happy.
Its called Installing linux.
The most important setting for me, was to set the enemies as passive. So you can kill them off when you need place and they will never attack themselves.
Factorio. The new dlc hooked me into a 5h gaming session at one eve. I cant remember when i did that the last time in my life. Probably with 15? But be warned, the game isn’t called cracktorio without reason.
For me the same, but with kubuntu. Linux is really ready to be used as a desktop.
Just go for it! Did it recently and the overall experience is actually getting impressed multiple times.
Can you say why? The opensource project is already insanely good.