Mitch has done nothing but enable the incoming administration, and helped to get it in power, so he has no leg to stand on now in all of his hand waving about the polio vaccine.
Mitch has done nothing but enable the incoming administration, and helped to get it in power, so he has no leg to stand on now in all of his hand waving about the polio vaccine.
If they have MXC in 8k - all in
This is definitely what it’s supposed to do (and a great feature) but unfortunately it doesn’t work that well. Have tried this many times, especially with Amazon links, and it seems to be a bit inconsistent in its effectiveness.
I’m old and just started playing Far Cry 5 (haven’t played any of the others before). Very fun.
Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast - any of the cars cause that game was just plain fun.
“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”
Same. Ridiculous design decision and I would either leave it on its side or upside down.
Soooooooooo……. More ads and bullshit then? I regret not the 5 or so clicks it took to delete my account.
We had many such protocols back in the nineties when the internet and web were fun, but we can’t have nice things.
Yes, this was a jaded-gen-xer-get-off-my-lawn moment.
These have 500 mile range - baffles me that none of the EVs being made by the west can provide better range than they are now. Seems like 250 is the standard cap for “normal” models. Some way less and some slightly more.
Will our new robot overlord still allow us to hate on Elon?
“RISC is good.”
Can’t speak to PC UI, but for the web, “public good” entities and government institutions have to follow ADA guidelines on usability for differently-abled people. Weird, because the law says this but does not get specific on what exactly must be done to be compliant. The gist is that those entities are “supposed to” follow WCAG, although those are only guidelines and not mandates.
I work in healthcare and our org, although we made best effort to make our site accessible for screen readers, color impairment issues, etc, we were still sued (lawsuit was a bit of a shakedown) and are now working to address and remediate each item in the suit with a third party. We want to be fully compliant but as of yet, there isn’t a “set of rules” that we can all look to make these sites compliant (basically just a bunch of suggestions). Weird times we live in.
I fall into this category.
Any post/article with the word “slammed” in it gets a downvote and a no-read from me. That word needs to disappear from journalism/forums/life/etc.
Or MP - Matt Pooper
Not sure about at work, since the decision is out of my hands (I can only recommend), but at the moment if it were up to me, I think I would go with Strapi (headless CMS) plus something like Hugo (static site generator).
I work in healthcare in and manage a portfolio of public-facing sites, all on WordPress and all hosted on WPE. Also do occasional volunteer work and side projects where WordPress has been a good fit, depending on the project. Have been happy with WPE’s customer service and product offering and ideologically speaking, I think Matt is in the wrong here and has already done irreparable harm to the Wordpress project.
Due to the chaos one person has been able to cause on such a large open source project, I will be abandoning my use of it in all future personal projects and our organization is also now discussing replacing it completely for all of our sites.
What a waste of effort for a whole lot of people and a shame for the project to fall apart like this.
Yep - I’ve done both volunteer/free and professional work with WordPress, but after all of this drama that Matt has caused, I’ll be abandoning the platform for all future work. Too much uncertainty that happened at the drop of a hat, due to one person’s actions. Cant justify ever recommending that to anyone and feel like I’m presenting a sustainable and supportable option. Bummer too, since for certain use cases, it checks a lot of boxes.
Resurrecting their commercials from the 90’s now, it would go like this:
Duuuude, you’re gettin’ a Dell.
Oh…… dang.