I listened to it as podcast, thanks to NewPipe. But yeah it is one of their longer videos.
I listened to it as podcast, thanks to NewPipe. But yeah it is one of their longer videos.
I also think that this may be more of unintentional advertising for NCD community.
Mastodon admin from server I have an account just added deepl translation plug-in and said that it is soo easy to translate that he doesn’t know if it is necessary to decide in which language he will post (cz or eng). So yeah I also think it isn’t a problem.
It is classic Russian stand, they like to make shit like that, pretty recently they were saying that 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia was provoked by us. Which is obvious bs multiple high officials from Russia apologized for it, said it was a mistake (lol even communists who understood what it was about were sorry).
From some more articles I grasped that it is shady. Some lobbying groups, secret commissions and stuff like that. They try really hard to not be the ones to point fingers at.
I think that there are more issues like archaic connectors and stuff like that. You can’t find new hardware with 30yo standard io.
The oldest version of Win I used was 95 about 2 years ago on chromatography machine (I think hplc or gas).
It is to my knowledge still in use in the school because the software don’t run on newer machines. The teacher told me that he don’t know what will he do when it dies. It isn’t really an issue on Linux.
It will be probably more. I talked with sysadmin from some smaller provider in my country few months ago. And he told me that the migration will take them for most systems about 2 years (depreciation of hardware) and for some machines about 5 years.
So lot of customers are in process of replacing it but it will take multiple years.
Battery less phone. He removed battery to make some embedded display.
Some mastodon instance has it covered already. https://eigenmagic.net/@daedalus/113519360107067092