Skype is fading fast. Thank God. Discord is already an internet standard.
Skype is fading fast. Thank God. Discord is already an internet standard.
pwease kill immigrants with me? ~the pope
I have an old Microsoft brand thumb drive that fits perfectly into my ass and makes me nut every time
The bathrooms in hell all have automatic sinks where you can’t tell where the sensor is and an inconsistent delay.
Marl is an earthy material rich in carbonate minerals, clays, and silt. When hardened into rock, this becomes marlstone. It is formed in marine or freshwater environments, often through the activities of algae.
You have DNS listening on UDP and TCP… for DNS?
Iol, lol.
I hope every contractor and employee who has ever worked for that shit hole goes bankrupt, loses their home in a foreclosure auction and spends the rest of their life begging for handouts on the street.
Then she throws her drink in your face, storms out and git resets --hard origin/main && git clean -fdx
Carpenter’s axe to the utility line outside my house
A million better alternatives exist. I was curious about them.
The first time I used VI I typed a few characters, then hit backspace to delete some characters. Backspace doesn’t delete characters. I closed VI and never opened it again.
Does this also get rid of annoying pop-ups?
Is that the one with corn and beef? I’m starving
I’m not OP but I think it means “Providers are saying consumers should accept subscription-based models without complaint”
I asked a dealer for a dumb-car. No fucking auto 911 dialing, bluetooth enabled, GPS service horseshit, just a normal car and he shot me
XBev 4thud EE