We’re never getting AGI from any current or planned LLM and ML frameworks.
These LLMs and ML programs are above human intelligence but only within a limited framework.
We’re never getting AGI from any current or planned LLM and ML frameworks.
These LLMs and ML programs are above human intelligence but only within a limited framework.
Trump is greedy it’ll take a lot for him to fall out with his main cash cow.
Usual media overhype, disregard and wait 20y to make a conclusion unless you’re knowledgeable enough to know both scientific and technological limitations.
Split the difference, bolo tie
Supposedly it’s shutting down the day before inauguration.
Ketchup and shit
The mystery remains but we certainly can splice our genetic code without sterility or death. There are various FDA approved therapies doing just so to treat genetic diseases such as sickle cell, hemophilia, certain types of DMD, and retinopathies.
Just like with space you can build in redundancies though. You don’t have to be all Titan about it.
Conservative judiciary. It’s almost always a Texas or Florida judge.
Pretty high on Rupert, he’s 93 he’s had at least one stroke already and the wiki picture from 2012 already has him looking one foot in the grave and he broke his back in a fall a year ago.
There’s a lot of “services” like Klarna where you buy now for payments split over several months. At first glance these often seem ok but they’re essentially loans with credit card interest rates.
Can’t rely on that either. The CEO who threatened to kill over trying to change the hotdog price has been gone for a while now.
The 3 Supreme Court appointments Trump got (ACB, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch)in his one term was also just shy of Reagan’s 4 (william rehnquist to chief, Sandra day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony Kennedy). Bush jr replaced rehnquist and Sandra with current shitstains John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.
Legal for the judge to be involved in a business yes. Not ethical for the judge to make rulings about that business but that requires ethics and morals and thanks to Rs even the US Supreme Court doesn’t have that.
Below scotus level theoretically judges can censure other judges but idk that process.
Is this how we’ve ended up with outlook?
Written by AI?
Honestly, don’t think he has much acting chops from what I’ve seen him in. Largely unexpressive and when he is expressing something it doesn’t make me actually feel any connection to that emotion. Mostly, just another gloomy stoic white man. He’s got a weird face and decent fitness but that’s about it imo.
…OK, well I guess we wait until the wrong person is in charge of that division. Also I’m old because that feels like yesterday…fuck.
Gotta launder that money somehow. From Russia to Musk to Saudi and back to Russia. Similar for China. Continue winning the information and propaganda war never have to deal with the sleeping beast that was America ever again.