Don’t forget the quinoa!
Don’t forget the quinoa!
Agree, and “defer” can mean organizationally as in needing someone else’s input, knowledge, support, buy-in…vs. running an autocratic hierarchy, which the weak and stupid prefer. Defer also means acknowledging the value and contributions of others and compensating them accordingly.
If I had to boil a lot of the churn in the water about AI, it’s by stupid people trying to sell even stupider, desperate people the idea the immense knowledge of the earth (or even that of their accounting or customer service practices) will be within their grasp and they won’t need others anymore. Of course, some say great cut headcount, because they didn’t understand the work others do in the first place.
While most won’t fully take an approach as extreme, and any AI use will likely be more organic, there will be outliers who receive the bulk of the press.
Saying you don’t need X position in early 2025 based on the state of AI is like declaring in 1996 libraries are dead.
I read an article about how the Atlantic, owned by Steve Jobs widow, employs a leader who is ex-israeli military and that their coverage of the conflict in the last year has been one-sided and horrific. It was damning.
“The reason it’s called the Atlantic is that it belongs at the bottom of the ocean” was the title. I was convinced and disappointed, I remember them having interesting articles back in the day but am done reading them.
Yep, just like when Obama passed minimum salary increase, was stayed 4 weeks before go-live the week of Thanksgiving. Eventually rolled back under Trump 1 and watered down.
They’re trying to ban tiktok. I’ve never used it but it’s just because it’s Chinese, social media from any other company based in any other country is just as fucked and unhealthy and unregulated in the US, but they are going to ban it specifically for its country of origin. China pills a lot of weight and the company tiktok is powerful and fighting it in court and all but it seems pretty obvious it’ll go through even under current admin watch–let alone when a direct competitor and owner of Xitter owns the White House.
While yes, you’re logistically correct it would be very difficult to shut down the whole Internet, that’s not the goal, the goal is to massively control it and enshittify it beyond your worst dreams.
Look to China and Russia for "internet"TM
And the asshats sold them up to the deadline day, instead of saying stopping sales 5 years ago. Penalizingly anal company.
I have always loved this movie and never understood why it wasn’t as big or even more than die hard–even for dudes who can’t deal with a badass woman, Samuel L is still awesome, just doesn’t make any sense it wasn’t more popular.
To directly fund the president’s choice of Bitcoin reserve to the spectacular enrichment of himself, Texas and anyone else in the know. The oil rush is on and there will only be one winner…
David is right up there with Samuel L Jackson for me in his unique and satisfying delivery of the F-word and it’s derivatives.
Yeah we can all trust Meta, who never should have been allowed to purchase Whatsapp for antitrust reasons exactly like this. Whatsapp was innovative and very successful outside the US, rather than compete with their own decent product Facebook just absorbed them and gulped their users.
Sure: now that they know Elon is going to force through or dismantle any approvals still needed to drive with unproven tech, they may as well not miss the boat.
The Luddite - An anticapitalist Tech blog helped me understand why these seemingly contradictory worldviews don’t necessarily have to be–its a matter of what and for whom technology has been put to use.
As an example, Louis Pasteur gave away his patent for the good of medicine. It sounds almost impossible to believe against the modern backdrop of pharmaceutical companies that don’t even want to develop cures, they want “subscription” customers.
People have been trained now that since no one watches out for them they have to take their pound of flesh however it can be gotten–this is what stands out to people when they talk about societal decay, selfishness and anomie but it can be difficult to put ones finger on without understanding the workings of the machine.
“guys, I thought when we removed checks and balances and due process and accountability and made power and wealth for personal benefit at all cost our golden idol that…well that only applies to the poors right? I mean there is no timeline in which that would ever be used against me unfairly right? I understood it that I am only allowed to benefit from this sort of arrangement. Right ? Guys?”
It’s difficult for hubris and naivety to coexist but he’s managed to pull it off with this panicked effort. Seriously the Wiley Coyote moment as he looks down and feels the first tug of gravity.
Falling Down was in my head this week. The number of people in the US that are close to it is so high, it’s barely fringe. Ironically Trump might just trigger a revolution when he tries to clamp down.
“you wouldn’t put a dump truck full of movies on a snowy road without chains on the tires would you?”
Just read the same article about CA last week; too much solar to be used so the excess solar generated, get this, was sold-often at a loss–to Arizona(the fact AZ can’t make it’s own sufficient solar shows the willful neglect, economic and political nature of energy!) and it lowered AZ bills but not CA. We’re back to energy traders and Enron price manipulations in the US after 20 years.
Batteries will fix much of it but until the grid has proper storage consumers getting fucked by businesses per usual.
And why economists and sociologists are important to have in the room when marketing and sales heads throw stupid fucking ideas on the table.
“Our nascent AI technology…”
“…Monthly fee to ensure no enshittification…”
“…our mobile app does require GPS permissions to maximize…”
The government has been conditioned to give away control so much due to decades of corporate lobbying, spectacular they make a jump probably for social reasons without understanding the technological and economic underlying drivers. I’m sure a $500/HR big 4 consultant will provide them a slide on it in 20 years.
Can it run Crisis?