What encryption? There is no E2EE by default. It’s all plaintext.
What encryption? There is no E2EE by default. It’s all plaintext.
Telegram always seemed a bit sus to me. I have hard time trusting that they don’t sell all that non-encrypted data somewhere.
It’s also illegal in EU.
Steam should have an option to send feedback to publishers: “I didn’t buy this because of [select all that apply]”.
How are we going to get more treasures like “Blending in with the Russians”?
That reminds me, I need to go back and play Mechanicus one day.
Ledger is awesome.
That default to suspicion/accusation is why fathers don’t have real rights in this matter.
It’s okay to disagree. But many who would line to know can object only when it’s already too late.
Paternity testing should be done for every child. The child and father should have the same certainty that mothers have.
Oh, the story mode is not finished yet? Any idea if they have a goal date?
What region is that?
You are correct that from juridical point of view the difference does not seem great.
Hopefully politicians listen to experts of different fields.
But it IS different. If you compare to alcohol for example, age checks are performed in shops. No record of those is made or available to anyone. There is no centralized infrastructure related to age checks that could be abused in the future to track everyone who buys alhocol.
Daaad :(
Hi it’s me your son!
Sorry to hear that. Sail the high seas with no worries. You can still contribute to digital preservation of games by seeding. But don’t worry if you can’t do that.
I hope things get better for you!
I don’t think there is a technical way to implement this without privacy issues and potential for future misuse and scope creep.
Government doing parenting instead of the parents never works.
Does it support flashing from web browser?