This could be a snapdragon X handheld, and one day run an unofficial good OS.
memer, linux-user, idk
This could be a snapdragon X handheld, and one day run an unofficial good OS.
Im Original Artikel ist Linux nur ganz kurz am ende erwähnt, der Titel ist mehr Clickbate als etwas anderes.
And for some reason the file Explorer and the Desktop/Taskbar are connected and you can end up with just a black Screen
Windows 11 without a Microsoft-Account = terminal required. Linux Mint = terminal not required.
Steam deck maybe
Yes, a g4 or g5 i think, had to fix 5 Capacitors, did a good job at 4, the 5th i had to extend with some wire, not ideal. It boots but USB is not recognized / i asume it does not get enough power. I have a Note on my Phone homescreen to “fix the imac (again)” since June
And the 20$ powerpc imac in my room, that i will fix the capacitors when i have time
Well yes, i choose Debian 12 for the background
Distro: “Ubuntu with Bing”
I have to reset the bios sometimes to Start the PC, its perfectly stable when its on, DDR5 and Intel 13gen what could go wrong
Same on my thinkpad y370
I have it disabled in bios and electric tape over it
there is another way in W.Pro: choose “for Buisness or education”, and then “To later join a domain”
Me removing the plastic case of a 2.5’ sata ssd to make it physically smaller
Oh does * mean every minute anyway.
Something like: > s that would be even better.
It does not work like shown here, but with the same line in a script and the script as crontab it works.
nice, i always wanted a telescreen in my house
kind of… a “AMD GX-420GI SOC: quad-core APU” the one with no L3 Cache, in an Thin Client and 8Gb Ram. old Laptop ssd for Storage (128GB) Nextcloud is usable but not fast.
edit: the Best thing: its 100% Fanless