Incredible article and read that will send me down the rabbit-hole later when I have some free time!
Thanks for sharing!
Find me on Mastodon too.
Incredible article and read that will send me down the rabbit-hole later when I have some free time!
Thanks for sharing!
Let’s back up just a moment - is there an issue you’re trying to diagnose, like bad lag, packet drops, excess ping, etc.?
If not, then don’t worry about the speeds too much unless you feel like you’re being overcharged.
All I see is *******
No rush 45 = build an army quick and blindside them
Still true though. I’m distro-agnostic, running the best whatever for the job at hand.
When I give a presentation at a conference about something technical, the question always comes up: “Why are you running that on so-and-so? $Distro is so much better…” and their whole train of thought deviates from the subject at hand.
Point is, the tool is the tool. If Fedora is the best option given our licenses and use scenario, I don’t need to hear about how much better xyz is and how we’re wasting money.
I just want xyz to work. I don’t need the distro wars to be a thing when I’ve got 6 other more important things to attend to.
Backblaze is a great backup solution. They publish drive stats and even show you the hardware they use.
That’s the advice that I was looking for! Buying now.
Baldurs Gate III is mighty tempting…
Oblig. XKCD:
Try using or as the external DNS in your router for testing. Does it work then?
Also, you may have DNS cached somewhere. You can flush your Windows DNS cache by typing ipconfig /flushdns
in a command prompt.
tar --help
I wonder if you can get the frunk to critical velocity at the touch of a fly by constantly pumping it up like a pump action gun.
spawn(newTimer, 1000)
You can host overseas and use a proxy for hosting. I mostly don’t worry about it though because I don’t do anything illegal.
Use encryption if you are concerned.
I’ve used Hyper-V and in fact moved away from ESXi long ago. VMWare had amazing features but we could not justify the ever-increasing costs. Hyper-V can do just about anything VMWare can do if you know Powershell.
Dat metadata run on
Your boss should listen to DBAN! Their new stuff sucks but their classics were amazing. They opened for Erasure.