It’s premium prices.
It’s premium prices.
I used Webex at my last job, it was pretty decent.
No, once the FTC is gutted, the isps will resume their stronghold. Data caps, overages, slower speeds, etc.
I switched two years ago.
They have nap pods, full restaurants, and snack bars, and “fun” office spaces so you don’t want to leave the office.
Someone I knew worked there and wouldn’t actually buy groceries. He just at at the office for all his meals. He didn’t own a car. Rode his bike down or used public transportation.
It saved him like several hundred per month.
They know this and will try to use it as a way to suck you in and keep you in the office longer.
I thought Apple lost this war already?
I did previously and had to wait until a weekday to talk to someone. It was a huge pain. Fuck those agencies.
Google Chrome is about to be disabled? Got it.
Poor practices. They focused on shorr term gains over quality.
I like it because I use it for MELT in general. Prometheus generally does metrics and if you want to include logs, traces and events, it becomes more cumbersome. With the Otel collector, I can just update my collector configuration to point to the various services.
I’m not saying OP can’t use what you suggested, just stating what I would use.
I would use OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and Grafana…
I saw it before I heard anything from the Internet. Snd let me tell you, it was rather terrible and hilarious at the dame time.
I’m with you. I ended up just buying a used gas vehicle because the others are just too expensive.
It definitely has nothing to do with the outrageous starting price range.
It was a great movie.
Had to explain that to my nephew. He couldn’t save anything because iCloud was full. His Mac had like 300gigs available, but he couldn’t save anything…
Just curious why it would destroy it by moving it to Texas?
He took advantage of the Myspace potential and has gone almost unchallenged and unchecked. He needs to pay for his crimes.
I did that 8 or 9 years ago, before it was cool.
If I see any alt-right content, I immediately block the account and report it. I don’t see any now. I go to yourube for entertainment only. I don’t want that trash propaganda.