With Obsidian, you don’t have to use folders. I’m generally of the opinion that having a tool is better than not having access to it. Tags and Folders are just an option to use. Fundamentally Logseq and Obsidian otherwise can be very similar.
With Obsidian, you don’t have to use folders. I’m generally of the opinion that having a tool is better than not having access to it. Tags and Folders are just an option to use. Fundamentally Logseq and Obsidian otherwise can be very similar.
Interesting. I’ll have to give that one a shot later. Though I’m probably fine with Obsidian.
Yes, but the syntax and documentation on the queries is obtuse as hell in logseq. Like it is ridiculous how granular you have a to get of you want to return all links within a time period or something. If I need to write SQL to pull notes, I should just use a database, lol.
The nice thing about tags as a distinct entity is it offers the option you can utilize if you choose. It gives you two buckets you can sort into and connect between. And it does make creating “topic groups” easier than manually linking them all to a tag page in logseq, imo.
Conversely, I would massively prefer of Logseq abolished support for hashtags entirely if they are functionally identical to wikilinks. Or combine them so the hashtags auto-convert to wikilinks or vice versa. But supporting hashtags in any manner when they are frankly not a “real” feature is more frustrating. Making topic links in Logseq is harder because of this.
Also, the existence of tag pages themselves is a confusong abberation given the above…
Logseq is a great tool, but very different in terms of what it is best suited to handle. I think I will revisit it for if I do a lot of writing, but for disparate ideas or notation it is good but could be better.
I’ve tried logseq for the last 6 months (no commercial license) at work, but while it’s really good for outlining, it’s lack of a tag function is what feels like a critical weakness to me. I realize structurally it’s different in concept. But making everything into bullets doesn’t always suit the task.
I would love Logseq for journalling or writing though.
Holy shit this is huge. I can finally use obsidian at work! I was avoiding it due to the license and using Logseq. Which, to be fair, did admirably. But it’s much more and Outliner or journaling system than a knowledge base I feel.
Yea, I had like a 2nd or 3rd gen paperwhite and rooted it for this reason, but my partner’s wasn’t hackable until this moment. So now she can have it too.
Better Calibre integration.
Custom shelves and book collections on Kindle.
There is. Plenty of giant titties on trad wives in the Steam category for porn games. Oddly that seems to overlap with this audience strongly…
Good, now you just have to avoid buying from…
checks staff lists
Every single major publisher.
Good luck. Don’t play that woke Call of Duty or that DEI Fortnite while you’re at it. And avoid the mind virus of Elden Ring and Bandai Namco.
Stop buying their shit then. Leave the people who make it the fuck alone.
“Go woke go broke” vote with your dollars and let their “wokeness” fail in the free market. Don’t fucking harass people.
CVS wants me to stop shopping with them.
I’ll just goto a fucking supermarket. It’s faster. Yes, even with the checkouts.
Ah yes. Our sworn enemy: Taiwan.
It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.
20 mil is peanuts. Selling shit to children for as long as you can is worth way more. FTC has proven that exploiting kids with gambling mechanics is just good business.
When your movie is on the frontpage of Netflix with a handful of A listers and effectively “free”, a half billion views is actually not that great. You were handed success on a silver platter.
Everything you listed is true of all the other companies frankly. That’s just how it is. As you said, the frogs have been boiled, and Sony is almost the last to do this now. They need the analytics info all their competitors have, ostensibly. Sadly this is the landscape we are in.
Sony music, in the CD music era.
Not good or acceptable, but also kind of lime blaming Amazon pharmacy for something azon logistics does. Could not be a more different part of the company.
And rockstar games require a rockstar account. Ubisoft requires an Ubisoft account. Microsoft requires an Xbox account … For single player games too, at least one login.
Sony is late to the game but this complaint rings hollow to me when we only target them.
They all want the social side, and to various degrees add social and other features. With varying degrees of success too.
Right, gayness is a symptom of social media, and invented by the online liberals.
Try existing in the rural parts of the country where no one is “like you”, and increasingly they claim all that “Hollywood media” is just propaganda.
Seeing people like yourself, actual real people, has a huge impact in helping kids avoid isolation and in some cases connect with communities and avoid suicide.
Feeling alone in the world is something teens are already prone to and this makes it so much worse for the LGBTQ kids out there. Their existence now being labeled on the same level as sexual content and gore.
Hilarious that this is being promoted on Xbox. Absolutely ridiculous Sony didn’t keep this team going.