Pressing “Launch” is the same whether you’re in Epic or Steam. I have like 40 games on epic and I’ve paid them exactly $0. In the same time I spent quite a bit on Steam. It’s hard to see what value Epic is getting out of me from this.
Pressing “Launch” is the same whether you’re in Epic or Steam. I have like 40 games on epic and I’ve paid them exactly $0. In the same time I spent quite a bit on Steam. It’s hard to see what value Epic is getting out of me from this.
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
Please. Paper is modern nonsense and I won’t have our society polluted by it. Papyrus or stone tablets only.
I haven’t seen that episode in probably 15 years and I still remember exactly what this was.
The existence of scalpers means demand exceeds supply. Pricing them this high is a countermeasures against scalpers…in that Nvidia wants to make the money that scalpers would have made .
My dad had a 286 with a 40MB hard drive in it. When it spun up it sounded like a plane taking off. A few years later he had a 486 and got a 2gb Seagate hard drive. It was an unimaginable amount of space at the time.
The computer industry in the 90s (and presumably the 80s, I just don’t remember it) we’re wild. Hardware would be completely obsolete every other year.
He holds the distinction of fighting in the most comically lopsided boss fights ever filmed. Arnold circa 1984 vs my neighbor Larry who always lets me borrow his ladder and smokes a mean brisket while drinking 12 beers.
Cringe af
deleted by creator
I hope they own Jones’ likeness to the point where they can give DJs the rights to remix his shouts into something of value.
Reminds me of this ropeway thing that Tom Scott covered that doesn’t require power input either, for similar reasons:
Niche application but still cool.
In this case YouTube can do literally anything they want due to the lack of real alternatives. Hosting videos for free, for anyone (and any number of viewers) to watch, for free, is rather predictably not a very profitable business model. If you want to see what it takes to actually be profitable with such a model, look at the average free porn site. Extremely intrusive ads everywhere. If you don’t want to pay, and ads are the only revenue, advertisers are the customer, not you.
It’s definitely true that if every actor did their own stunts, stunt workers wouldn’t get jobs. But here’s the thing - that is not in danger of happening. More than that, Tom Cruise doing his own stunts, in many cases, makes his movies better. Hanging on the side of a plane or running on the Burj Khalifa - in both cases the shots they can get are far better than they otherwise would be if they have to obscure the stunt guys face and use camera trickery and CGI to take his face.
Not to mention that the other actors in his films use stunt doubles so making those films more successful keeps stunt workers employed. It’s not like there were no stunt doubles in the mission impossible films.
Overall I just don’t see how this is a real problem . Most actors, especially A-listers, like themselves too much to seriously attempt doing their own stunts. Most of their reactions to seeing what Tom Cruise does is “fuck no”. Tom Cruise has the commitment of an actual crazy person to do the shit he does. No other actor who “does his own stunts” does what he does. Are stunt doubles really in danger of becoming extinct as a profession?
Given this, I guess I find it hard to see this as an issue worth worrying about. Why must this one crazy guy’s obsession with stunts be squashed? Is there there really not room in the wide landscape of filmmaking for one obsessive dude doing his own stunts?
Except the cancer warning thing which didn’t exactly have the desired effect. Good intent, bad execution.
Is AMD finally realizing that unless they lower prices their tenuous hold on the GPU market is going to slip away entirely?
I’d give it 50% odds at best.
“unrealized gains” that you can somehow live off of indefinitely.
The wise thing is to not offer perpetual licenses in the first place. You can’t predict the state of your business in 10 years let alone beyond that. Why make commitments that? Marketing of course. So if they’re going to raise capital that way (by one-time revenue from sales of perpetual licenses) then they can’t just decide that perpetual doesn’t mean perpetual anymore. All in all this will come down to a legal duel between expensive legal teams.
Because they make it easy and do a few cool things.
“Do you want a mic in your home that can record everything you say and do and send that data off to wherever the company chooses?”
“No of course not.”
“What about of it will also turn your lights on and off and play despacito on demand?”
“You son of a bitch, sign me up”.
The fact that this tweet caused their stock price to dive really shows what a joke the stock market is .
I used 2.2.1 well into the last decade. Every version after that was either pointless or full of some sort of malware.