Just because your bowser is not caching does not mean something else between you and the server is not caching as well.
Just because your bowser is not caching does not mean something else between you and the server is not caching as well.
You mean the bribes?
That is a bit more expensive and complex. Looks like this is configured with a couple of resistors for 5v from USB which is simple to get and a voltage reg to drop down to 3v3 optionally. Full PD requires a chip and active negotiation for higher voltage levels. Though there are chips that do that it does increase the complexity and cost and soldering skills a bit. Might not be worth it if all you work on is 5v or 3v3.
Protip: Don’t write 600 lines of code without ever testing it at all. And by testing I mean anything, manual testing included or even just compiling it or running a linter over it. Do things incrementally and verify things at each step to make sure you are not drifting off course by some faulty assumption you made near the start.
That is not the issue at all. This lawsuit has nothing to do with user of honey, only on behalf of creators and affiliate marketers. Langley in part because users of honey signed a class action waver and makes it a sticky issue to also include them in the lawsuit.
One of the lawyers taking part in it explicitly points this out: https://youtu.be/ItiXffyTgQg?t=182
Who wins the pools if an AI launches the Nukes which causes a nuclear winter which damages some lab some where where a virus breaks out and wipes out the last survivors?
It has to compete with:
Or on the stock market or gambling which this is basically a mix of.
SIGINT is sent when you press Ctrl+C. SIGTERM is sent in just about every other situation - basically when the system wants the program to end. For instance when systemd wants to stop the service or the default signal with programs like kill
etc. You should catch both of these signals.
This assumes people are rational and that what they say they are willing to pay matches what they are actually willing to pay. And that is just the people not trying to abuse the system.
So it would be really good for everyone if they were forced to sell Chrome
And who do you think would buy it? Loads of companies will be jumping at the chance not out of the goodness of their hearts but because they can see massive profits if they can control it. Very likely will start to squeeze it for all the profit they can and the enshitification process will begin.
For all the bad the Google has done they have kept chrome relatively free from the enshitification process. Likely as so much of their business would not exist if people didn’t have a good browser to access their services on.
should a third-party acquire control over chrome’s development, mv3 gets shredded. restrictions and limitations on adblockers get scaled-back or reverted outright.
That is far too optimistic. If the courts force a sale then a for profit company will but it expecting a return on investment. Which very likely means more monetisation efforts like embedding ads or even more tracking built into it. It is a fantasy to think who ever gets it will scale anything you dislike about it back.
The article calls that out explicitly:
When installing on unsupported hardware, Microsoft will push a small disclaimer that effectively cancels your warranty in case of compatibility-related mishaps. Likewise, you won’t be entitled to receiving updates - including security updates - so we’re back to square one.
What is the point in upgrading if you wont get security upgrades either way. Just more spyware and ads in the newer version.
What is the point in an official upgrade if it is unsupported? Seems like a way to trick people into an upgrade so they can start nagging users to throw away their hardware and get a new computer.
So glad I don’t have to worry about this bullshit on my 11+ year old computer that is perfectly fine running Linux without any major issue or lack of support.
Anyway, yeah why would I watch someone else play a game when I can just play it myself?
I think some of it is watching people do things you cannot do. Competitive play, in both sports and gaming, is quite a different thing to watch people with skill vs what you could do yourself. Plus I suspect there is a lot of the psychology that goes with routing for a team and the feeling of being part of something bigger or something.
Personally I don’t really get it myself but I can see why people would. IMO it is not much different from why so many people like watching sporting events rather than going out and playing themselves.
For games I haven’t played yet, I would spoiler it for myself. Games I’ve already played… well, don’t need to watch that anymore, right?
That is true for single player games, but not for match making/competitive ones. I suspect that people are more so watching competitive ones than single player story driven games.
To the NZXT community. We’ve heard your concerns. We are aware of the recent claims made against us and are actively reviewing the situation. Rest assured, we are committed to addressing this thoroughly and will share an official statement soon.
Translation: Fuck! you caught us. We are currently in PR disaster recovery mode and trying to figure out how to spin this to not look like complete scum bags. Rest assured, we are committed to trying to find some escape goat to throw under the bus and minimizing the damage to our reputation.
Or refactored at a later date.
With teams like MS and Apple also working on it, I expect this to be figured out on a faster timeline. Months/ few years.
That assumes they will share a meaningful amount of work. I do not see what Apple have done to help much at all - completely closed ecosystem with their own custom chips that they are not going to want to share.
MS have done a really bad job as well at getting ARM to kick off and have not been putting a huge effort into it that I have seen. And especially since valve is doing this in part to get away from MS systems why would MS help valve with this goal?
So yeah, if they did put in and share the effort it would take less time. But I don’t see them doing that. Plus, it takes years to develop a product like this. And all evidence ATM suggests they have barely if at all started on the next version. Which does suggest that the next deck is likely more than a year away, likely two. Which does increase the chances that it could be arm based.
I wouldn’t sound so sure. There are a lot of blockers to getting a working ARM based steam deck. First Arch Linux (which steam os is based on) does not offer official ARM binaries. This would mean they would need a new base os or work on getting Arch Linux to support ARM. With their recent donations to Arch Linux were focused on unblocking some issues with supporting Arch on ARM (notibally stuff needed for better automated builds) would suggest they want to stick with Arch.
Next you need good emulation layers for x64 and x86 as that is what all games are written in. Which there are leaks that say they are working on this as well.
But that is two big blockers that could take years to solve. So all comes down to when they want to release the next deck. Within a couple of years and I don’t think it will be arm based. After that the chances go up quite a bit.
Once had a missing semi colon at the end of a c header file. The compiler kept complaining about the c file and never mentioned the header. Not all errors lead you to the right place.
Though most of the time people just don’t read them. The number of problems I have solve for people by just copy pasting the error they gave me back to them…