But pure speculation
But pure speculation
Looks like a guide here for how to include steam branding, but “Powered by SteamOS” branding might be referring to Valve letting third parties, maybe Asus Ally for example, come preinstalled with SteamOS instead of Windows.
I think it is the crash of Tesla, its evaluation is based on being a silicon tech startup, not as an automobile company. So when the shares finally fall in line with other car manufacturers valuation, shit is going to hit the fan. And I think he knows he needs a government bailout and sanctions on foreign EVs specifically to price the competition out of the market. His entire empire is basically being propped up by the Tesla share price. He needs to go all in, it is survival mode for him right now
South Africa, you can read up on us if you want to learn about a country that really fucked up its energy supply, but that is a different story.
You do need a baseload, this is not something an argument of saying we do not really need a baseload can wish away, industries that run 24/7 like a smelting operation where if you cannot shutdown, or hospitals or traffic lights, there is a certain percentage of baseload that has to be generated.
Solar and wind are amazing and I really wish to see these systems play a major role in power generation, but you say the nuclear and coal plants are very inflexible. I do not know who this guy is but Nuclear and coal can very easily ramp up their power generation, both these are basically steam engines, both nuclear and coal can very quickly heat up and generate a lot more steam that powers generators, like an car engine but more accurately a steam train that you give more power to go faster. Solar and wind cannot ramp up on their own, cannot ask the wind to blow harder or the sun to shine brighter suddenly when the system requires it, they need costly backup systems like methane peaker plants or energy storage, be it batteries, pumped hydro, hydrogen electrolysis the list goes on. These things added to solar and wind plants are usually not allocated to the cost of generation, a total cost of generation including these additional backup systems are a better indicator of solar and wind systems cost.
Now what about waste. I agree coal is messy and is causing global warming and needs to be phased out. But nuclear waste is a solved problem, it has been for decades, the spent fuel is usually stored deep underground where it will never interact with the world again. Solar on the other hand, if it costs about $20-$30 to recycle a panel but like $1-$3 to send it to a waste dumps, what do you think will happen to the solar panels. https://hbr.org/2021/06/the-dark-side-of-solar-power Harvard business did an article about how solar recycling has really been a point of weakness, where nuclear we have set guidelines on how to environmentally and safely dispose of nuclear waste currently. I am willing to bet you the environmental impact from pollution from nuclear, including all the disasters will be negligible compared to the waste impact from solar panels and batteries currently.
So my point is not to dismiss solar or wind, really where wind and sunshine are naturally plentiful it will be a waste not to harvest these resources, just like where geothermal resources are available it will be wasteful not to utilise it.
But nuclear, even with its high initial capital cost and long build time, still does provide energy cheaply and will last for a lot longer than solar panels and wind turbines, nuclear can be easily and quickly ramped up or down depending on the load required.
Well one easy one, in my country it is that nuclear plants need to emit zero radiation from their core, like nothing. This is incredibly expensive to achieve, a more sensible value would have been similar or less than normal background radiation.
Nuclear has a lot of advantages that are really low hanging fruit of producing safe clean energy that is perfect for a grids baseload.
Like I am also looking at how to upgrade and damn these handhelds look like such a win win. Full gaming system for the cost of a single decent GPU
I understand that Epic funded their project to be an Epic exclusive, but was that a financially sound decision excluding the major market place. Could they not have worked in like a two year or three year exclusive period
Yeah I feel there is a weird history between steam and remedy media. Like I remember when you could one day buy Alan Wake like really cheap since it was being taken off steam. Then the Epic deal making Alan Wake 2 exclusive basically meant they excluded a lot of customers immediately on steam.
I literally feel there is a Hollywood exec that has done a line of cocaine and said exactly that
Fuck I hope Hollywood finally realises that they have really hit the the bottom of the barrel regarding remakes. Also, some sequels or whatever-quels have been hit and miss.
They need to focus on new fresh ideas, something new. Unfortunately they have to do something that is much harder now and that is not playing safe with proven IP. Make new IP, what ever gets the right team to be consistent with new movie ideas, maybe like Studio A24, will be in blue waters not fighting over the nostalgia against each other.
No Park Chan Wook films? Is there a beef between them? I assumed since they are from the same country he would have mentioned on af Parks more obscure works, or at least something
This one was also about the multiverse: https://youtu.be/JfQUnMJw3pE
Would love a story line that starts normal but then goes off the rails. I do not want you to copy this guy but maybe take inspiration from Andrew Rousso, he made a video called Moist on YouTube, starts normal but eventually you are taken on a journey and come out the other side like mind blown, worth the 7 minutes
So cool you work on submarines that is extremely cool, I am in a way different industry, mining. Jeez I wished we had your safety record of only one lost submarine. Our industry has gone through a couple of mines in the same period.
But wow, how does the safety of submarines compare to other industries, granted outside of war times, like compared to trains or even other seafaring vessels
Ok it probably was prepreg now that I think back, but I saw the application video where the just rolled it on no vaccume bags to remove any voids or cavities
Usually these program’s rules seem very tedious and restrictive and I can easily see one person looking at this and think they are in place to stifle innovation and keep the little guy out.
I remember how he said to not have regulatory approval because of of this or that, but why not get a regulatory expert to have a look, might not approve your vessel but might show clearly missed safety critical blindspots.
But these rules exist for a reason, they where usually written in blood, it’s how I know this incident added rules to your SUBSAFE program.
I think this was the original sin, the root cause. One man’s vanity and arrogance, which made him blind to his own shortcomings. He build something great, let us not lie, but we can clearly see in hindsight the obvious truth. Well if what people that know way more than I do are right, the vessel imploded quicker than the neurons in your brain, so it must’ve been an quick painless death
There’s how you spell the word
I have worked in underground mines, and this scenario of being bolted inside gives me way more cluster phobia than any experience I have had
Looks like everyone is jumping on the video game movie bandwagon, now that the comic book movies look to be milked dry. Hopefully they realise making quality movies will be… Who am I kidding it is most likely just going to be cash grabs until they have left a husk after draining the IP for all it is worth