They would do that because the video game journalism industry is extremely anti-consumer. They’re basically paid mouthpieces. Their job is to sell video games.
They would do that because the video game journalism industry is extremely anti-consumer. They’re basically paid mouthpieces. Their job is to sell video games.
I’m not understanding what you’re confused about here. The suggestion here isn’t that they’re using the phrase wrong out of some kind of bumbling incompetence. I’m very clearly suggesting they’re using the phrase wrong in an Insidious effort to denigrate consumers. I’ve not hidden that at all. They are intentionally using it to make criticism of game companies sound irrational. That is the goal. That is the point.
It’s always framed that way.
It ain’t review bombing if the game’s not working properly. That’s just called an accurate review. Of course the gaming journalism industry has to make sure all of its headlines are anti-consumers possible though.
Eurasia and Oceania sure, quibble all you like that makes sense to me. But combining the Americas and pushing Africa in with Asia makes no sense to me.
Right? Continent or not has nothing to do with it.
Identical deals I believe. Except maybe that deep discount section that’s different. Everything else should be 100% the same
Maybe next time try actually making your point instead of circling around it for five comments like a fifth rate Socrates.
Congrats on being a dick for no reason
Why do companies do exclusive launches? Presumably they think the money they get from Epic is more than the money they’ll lose in sales. Whether or not they’re right is another question.
I saw that Renowned Explorers: International Society had a pretty seriously deep sale going on right now. Only $4. It’s pretty interesting game, art styles fun, games got some interesting mechanics, overall I think it’ll scratch a turn-based strategy itch. I recommend it.
That was basically the premise for Singing in the Rain and that movie was absolutely excellent.
This is the first I’ve ever heard of it, so that might be a factor.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand this current obsession with the death of an actor meaning the death of a character. It’s acting. The whole point is that multiple people can play the role over the years. The only thousands of people have played Romeo? Just get another actor. Tons of rolls have been recast. It’s fine. I’m sure that actor did a fine job in the role but it’s not like he was the only the first one to play the role, someone else can take over. We’ve seen other people that were all before and it’s fine.
No no guys, I totally broke up with her, that’s what happened.
Do we need to wake up to that? Or do we need to say that’s bullshit? Which one sounds better? Maybe companies need to wake up to the fact that they shouldn’t be able to do anything they want. Why can’t we wake up to that reality?
Cuz when I think about safety of my user data I think Sony
Is the wild robot in theaters I thought I was already streaming?
As this is the first I’m hearing about “Here” I’m not actually all that surprised as to its struggles.
New Groove no question