B.S. Biology; M.S. in Bioinformatics. ❤️ tech, FOSS, Lana Del Rey, Linux, Fedora, KDE, but also ARM MacBooks & iOS.
Good @ Python, forced to use R, learning Rust.
🎮 Prey (2017), Bioshock, Portal & Dead Space.
Bi, more into guys atm.
also ndr@beehaw.org
This is so much better than all text-to-video models currently available. I’m looking forward to read the paper but I’m afraid they won’t say much about how they did this. Even if the examples are cherry picked, this is mind blowing!
Yeah, I might actually end up disabling swap in the end. I wanted to update that apparently I “fixed” the problem (not sure if permanently) by turning off the pc, unplugging the PSU, and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. Normal reboots weren’t enough. I’ll take it for now.