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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • That’s slightly misleading, I think. There are no arrays in Lua, every Lua data structure is a table (sometimes pretending to be something else) and you can have anything as a key as long as it’s not nil. There’s also no integers, Lua only has a single number type which is floating point. This is perfectly valid:

    local tbl = {}
    local f = function() error(":(") end
    tbl[tbl] = tbl
    tbl[f] = tbl
    tbl["tbl"] = tbl
    -- table: 0x557a907f0f40
    print(tbl[tbl], tbl[f], tbl["tbl"])
    -- table: 0x557a907f0f40	table: 0x557a907f0f40	table: 0x557a907f0f40
    for key,value in pairs(tbl) do
      print(key, "=", value)
    -- tbl	=	table: 0x557a907f0f40
    -- function: 0x557a907edff0	=	table: 0x557a907f0f40
    -- table: 0x557a907f0f40	=	table: 0x557a907f0f40
    print(type(1), type(-0.5), type(math.pi), type(math.maxinteger))
    -- number	number	number	number

  • You have stated multiple times that you have a vested interest in pushing the narrative that Funko isn’t the bad guy but somehow I’m the one that’s not arguing in good faith? Yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

    Making a fraud claim to a DNS provider and hosting service is the nuclear option. Literally the only thing either of those providers can do is to effectively take the entire site down. They intentionally made a misleading fraud claim instead of a DMCA takedown notice so they could force it through quicker. And you’ve completely ignored the fact that they’re relying on AI to identify these “offending” pages, and the fact that they threatened the owner’s parent. The non-apology statement they made is just icing on the cake.

  • You disagreeing does not make it a bad analogy.

    If you hire someone to do a job and the process of doing that job results in someone being killed then yes, you absolutely are to blame, but that’s not what happened here. They didn’t hire someone to protect themselves, they contracted an AI company to delete anything which could paint them in a bad light then made claims of fraud through nonstandard channels to force their way through red tape then threatened parents of their victim when they were called out.

  • Lucky you, you must have grown up very middle-class. The cops in the UK are just as shitty as they are elsewhere.

    As a kid I was walking a friend home when some cunt came up behind us and attacked me, busted my nose open then ran away. The cops must have waited at least a week to follow up, by which time they couldn’t do anything because I didn’t have a good enough way to identify the attacker.

    Some years later I’m delivering newspapers, there’s one particular street where I always get harassed in some way. It escalates until one day I’m literally jumped by three fully grown adults, absolute scum attacking a kid on the street. I call the cops as soon as possible afterwards and they actually show up, but as I’m sitting crying in the back of their car they strongly encourage me to drop it, some excuse about how they’ll all deny it so it’s not worth investigating. I’m young and naive so I listen to them, but I’ve regretted that ever since.

  • This is true for all public holidays in the UK, there’s a (usually) fixed number of public holidays but the dates are flexible.

    They’re also included in the minimum 28 days paid time off too, meaning if you’re a full time worker and have to work on a bank holiday your employer is legally required to offer an extra day off somewhere else instead, either a fixed date or added to your holiday allowance. Conversely, the “extra” day off you get when a monarch keels over may be subtracted from your holiday allowance for the year. This is also why my employer is allowed to follow English bank holidays despite having next to no presence in England; the number is fixed but the dates are not.

  • The fact it’s a long game isn’t an issue, the problem is that it’s long and bad. A winner is usually determined pretty early on but then there’s still half an hour of random rolls as everyone slowly loses their money. That’s why house rules are mostly adding safety nets, the game’s already over and it’s just not fun running around a board watching your numbers go down. Since house rules don’t change the core gameplay they don’t fix the game and just make it drag even longer.

    There’s some very good long games and some very good short games, how long a game is doesn’t determine how good it is.

  • Jesus Christ, this is toxic as fuck. You are not a bad person for enjoying life. You are not a bad person for being happy or seeking happiness. Excessive consumerism isn’t great but you are still not a bad person for owning things. You are definitely not a bad person for trying to improve your life or the life of people around you.

    I have no idea why they decided to attack renewable energy, it’s undeniably better than the fossil fuel systems it’s to replace. They say they’re against alternative energy immediately after complaining that a third of the world has no electricity. This doesn’t even make sense! They don’t want you to make electricity available to people, they just want you to feel bad about it.

    Inequality sucks, but you are still allowed to enjoy things.

    What does make you a bad person is actively seeking to make other people’s lives worse. For instance, making a comic with the sole intention of shitting on people just living their lives.