someone tried that with their license plate, it turned out well: https://www.wired.com/story/null-license-plate-landed-one-hacker-ticket-hell/
edit: archive link
Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.
someone tried that with their license plate, it turned out well: https://www.wired.com/story/null-license-plate-landed-one-hacker-ticket-hell/
edit: archive link
I don’t even want to turn on the speed limiter because I’m getting random fantom breaking, it’s really infuriating.
Free with every X Premium subscription!
that’s the magic of having no consistency, you can find anything and its opposite in 40+ years of uncontrolled rambling, scheming, lying and cheating.
Kelly Claxon, the singer? Definitely a very irritating sound!
Honestly, any platforms hosting user-generated content who use the legal argument that they only provide hosting and aren’t responsible for what their user post shouldn’t also be able to sell the same data and claim owning any of it.
Otherwise, take away their legal immunity. Nazis or pedophiles post something awful? You get in front of the judge.
edit: typo
I love when there are solutions for every weird use case ^^
It would be a blow to render this typing method slightly slower, definitely a deal breaker 😏
I found those:
Underscore . . _ _ . _
Addition . _ . _ .
Subtraction _ . . . . _
Multiplication _ . . _
Division _ _ _ . . .
Equal _ . . . _
Right Parenthesis _ . _ _ . _
Left Parenthesis _ . _ _ .
But this isn’t enough for programming, square and curly brackets, carets, ampersand, pipe, tilda… I think it’s gonna be pretty challenging
And the Community rejoices at the perspective of your valuable contributions!
Don’t forget to look in which community this was posted
Agreed! Unfortunately these maddening behaviors were kind of set in stone several decades ago, and it has been (correctly) decided “Don’t break the web”, these weird quirks are kept in modern interpreters/compilers.
It’s actually quite interesting to read through the logic to follow when implementing an interpreter:
On the other hand, I don’t think you should add those ever
Yeah what’s the deal with not being allowed to drop the N word anymore, humor is dead! /s
Yup I’m already there but it’s hard to get any traction, im posting stuff into the void, its gonna take a while to get the typical Meta users over there :/
Nothing but by now we got used to switching service whenever it gets bad
As a rule of thumb, I always put action verbs at the end of method names
The article: https://www.politico.eu/article/norway-arctic-region-asks-eu-commission-for-26-hour-day/
How would the new time zones work in practice? Wenche Pedersen, the mayor of Vadsø who authored the letter, is unsure.
“We haven’t thought a lot about that” she said. “The clock will go from 12 to 13… and we have to see how this will go. I don’t think they’re going to say yes so we haven’t thought about all the details.”
Huh. Great idea.
Don't look up
has a pretty accurate depiction of what the billionaires will be able to achieve when the end of the world comes.And the series
Mr. Robot
did very well by showing realistic software and hardware all along.