qBittorrent here.
qBittorrent here.
“You wouldn’t download a train”…
The site operator is non-responsive to ESA take-down notices and runs a backup version of the site at dodi-repacks.download.
Well, depending on where the website host is located, they may not need to comply. I wasn’t aware of the backup site mentioned above, though; maybe Dodi and FitGirl are one and the same? ;-)
EDIT: Grammar.
There is a torrent floating around but availability is 20.9% at the moment.
CODEX is defunct these days. I can’t seem to find a valid source of X-Plane at all at the moment.
Reported on The Register, too: https://www.theregister.com/2023/12/08/polish_trains_geofenced_allegation/
HOTD = Haiku of the Damned?
However, in the UK at least, the ISPs are required to log your activity and pass on to the relevant authorities if requested. Best to use an approved VPN to be sure.
Some Linux apps get cracked. The most recent that I’ve found which are mentioned in your post are the following: Autodesk.Arnold.MtoA.v5.4.5.0.for.Maya.2023-2025.Linux.x64-BONDYE Autodesk.Arnold.KtoA.v4.3.4.1.for.Katana.4.5-7.0.Linux.x64-BONDYE Autodesk.Arnold.HtoA.v6.3.4.1.for.Houdni.19.5-20.5.Linux.x64-BONDYE Autodesk.Arnold.C4DtoA.v4.7.7.1.for.Cinema.4D.2023-2025.Linux.x64-BONDYE Autodesk.Arnold.v7.3.4.1.Incl.SDK.Linux.x64-BONDYE Autodesk.Maya.v2025.Linux.x64-BTCRiSO
Obviously I won’t give links but I imagine you can find them on IRC etc. Couldn’t find Boris FX or Maxon releases.