He fortunately avoided the train, but unfortunately still owns a Tesla.
He fortunately avoided the train, but unfortunately still owns a Tesla.
Lacuna Matata
“You might enjoy F1 racing, but I value fuel-efficient commuters more.”
We can like both things.
Is “dozens” a large amount?
Never-nudes: no
Safety flaws in aircraft production: yes
Fuckin corpos, man
(takes a sip out of 1999 The Phantom Menace Taco Bell promotional cup)
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Busting your ass for your current job will never be better than expending the same amount of energy finding a better job.
Are you content with your current job and getting good pay, good benefits, normal promotions/raises etc. while performing a reasonable workload? Great, keep it up. If you have extra time and energy, focus on self-improvement, family, hobbies, etc.
Are you feeling underpaid, under-appreciated, or generally unhappy with your job? Are you in a position where you can maintain your health and sanity while working harder to improve things? Great, keep working just hard enough not to get fired, and pour all of your extra time and energy into finding a better job. Never give it to your current job.
Loyalty to the company is an outdated idea. Dont let some out-of-touch CEO sell you on that bullshit. The way to improve your situation is to job hop. There’s no shame in it. Expect to do it several times before you really figure out where you want to be.
Not sure, but you can unsubscribe, which I just did after seeing one too many posts about the emerald heir manbaby.
QC issues aside, the design is pure ass
Despite pushback from some users
Well there’s your problem. You’re still using the fascist platform.
Any active user who “pushes back” in an attempt to “fix” the fascist platform is either delusional or being disingenuous. There’s no fixing it, guys. Just walk away.
Remember, if you use xshitter in any way, even to follow your favorite progressive celebrities and complain about the platform and write mean tweets about Elon, you are validating the platform. You are putting money in his pocket so that he can continue to donate $45 million per month to conservative superPACs.