The only people who say this know nothing about quantum or computers
The only people who say this know nothing about quantum or computers
Ad hominem isn’t when you insult people AND make an argument its when you insult people INSTEAD of making an argument.
User initially believes that this is only a Linux issue because its almost entirely discussed on forums frequented by technical people who often use Linux whereas forums full of Windows gamers are equally effected but ignorant of the topic.
It’s a much higher risk than average because games are often abandoned within one year of release and still run as long as 10-15 years later and connects to the internet and other randos on the internet. See the Call of Duty games that allow you to take over the computer of anyone who connects to your online match. It greatly degrades the security of its users.
Technically lots of things people call “malware” don’t actually do any of those things. For instance they may hijack your default search engine, pop up ads, or otherwise monetize your computer at your expense. The category that was invented by ass coverers is “possibly unwanted program” but outside of those who worry about being sued by scumbags people colloquially refer to both what you call malware AND PUPs as "malware the root of which is “bad” after all. Language being descriptive not prescriptive I think this broader definition of malware is fine.
Do you remember when Sony released cds that when inserted into Windows computer auto ran an installer that installed a rootkit that made it impossible for Windows to see any processes or files that started with a certain sequence of characters instantly turning any malware that named its files or processes similarly powerful rootkit. Oh and it installed a cd driver that made it impossible to copy their music.
Suggested removal was a full reinstall of windows.
If they change the deal they should have to offer refunds. This makes it an expensive choice after the fact.
No its common for anti-cheat on Windows to have full root permission to your entire system Windows users are just on average less intelligent, less concerned about privacy, and, more ignorant about technology. This doesn’t mean using Windows makes you stupid its just the OS of choice for the stupid and ignorant.
But Russians ARE responsible for the actions of their government.
Have you noticed exactly how many Russians are bigots who support the mass murder of their neighbors?
VOLTE is a hard requirement. Continuing to support them would require entire installations all over the country to be repaired, maintained, and installed in support of hardware that was mostly 7-12 years old long past expected lifespan. It’s like the opposite of the Windows 11 thing.
There are a few fundamental differences here.
One: the existing hardware isn’t lacking anything functional that the user requires. While it may be more secure implemented with TPM 2.0 its far from a hard requirement. After all bitlocker works on 10. The fact that you can presently work around it suggests the limitation is imposed from on high not a hardware requirement.
Two: The hardware isn’t all that old. General duty cycle on a phone is around 3 years, about 6 years on a PC. Apple has dropped support for 6 year old phones and 10 year old PC. Especially because intel continues to manufacturer a given CPU long after launch and OEMs continue to integrate them people are going to find machines that they bought new off the shelf within the last 3 years unsupported which unlike a 10 year old Mac feels like a rug pull.
wine harder we like it
At present most drivers do know better than most driving AIs
You guys are talking past one another. It’s extremely common at a population level insofar as its happening literally many times per day at the population level. It is not extremely likely at the individual level because the vehicle miles driven per carjacking is massive with most people never getting car jacked.
Ads are…already a thing. Shit like putting candy crush which allows you to spend real money to pay to win. Search suggestions in the start menu. The app store is an attempt at an Apple style money grab except the money grab only exists on the apple side because its the only way to get apps on the machine and MS never got much out its store in comparison.
Ads and subscriptions would already have happened if they had succeeded in using secure boot to lock machines out of alternative OS
This is hardly a blatant lie. This is from 2015 and now
The fact that you haven’t noticed this doesn’t mean its made up
Obsoleting a lot of relatively recent fast hardware means people are either faced with a fuck off or complicated work arounds. Then there is forcing people to log in with their MS email account which they may not have or want or again forcing people into complicated work arounds. The implicit privacy issues of recall if it was rolled out as planned.
Ads in the windows UI both exiting and planned. The fact that they have discussed the idea of making Windows a monthly/annual fee.
Then the carry overs from 10 The fact that the start menu search is less useful than any linux DE or windows XP Re-enabling crap that people disabled on purpose Certain kinds of links opening in Edge even if people use chrome
Digital doesn’t have a secondary market which is the real reason. No money is made when you give away, sell, or share your physical games.
They could have easily used base 2 which is actually connected to how the hardware works and just called it something else
Getting Ukrainian troops defending their homes killed in order to ensure that the rapists and murderers invading their homes don’t suffer is a moral abomination.
On steam I can click install and run and most games windows and Linux just work without further effort. This makes gog worthless to me. I could just use wine I don’t know why I’d bother.