Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.
Also mesamunefire@piefed.social over on Piefed.
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I can’t wait for federation with codeberg/forgeo. PRs from different instances sound great. Git is already set up. It will hopefully be a game changer.
Sounds about right. In the retro gaming communities it’s being treated like torrents now.
Just FYI. Make sure that any link to GitHub is saved locally OR there is a mirror available. GH is going after emulators quite a bit, especially forks! This is coming from one that helps out from time to time in the software.
If only there was some sort of berg of code that happenes to have the forks available. Too bad there isnt such a website ;)
Thanks again making these posts! I learned quite a few new projects to throw on my SD.
That would be nice. I know lately I’ve been playing around with gopher sites with command line browsers. It’s been fun seeing what others have made.
A good breakdown on their progress: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43200604
Chrono trigger and cross are both good on the SD.
Man all this makes me want to just use Links2 for everything and being a luddite. Complete with cabin in the woods. So frustrating.
I can personally vouch for the two skator gator games. They were really fun to me.
I think rust would also bring in more developers. So more changes would eventually make its way into the kernel.
Im not the creator of the video ( thelinuxexperiment@tilvids.com ) but I probably wronged it at some point.
Ive used this in the past to host an email server. Eventually, my ISP actually stopped allowing people to use mail ports, so I had to discontinue. But it worked very well when I used it many years ago.
https://github.com/nodrm/DeDRM_tools is just the first one that pops up. Theres a LOT of software out there that does this. I would recommend getting a copy as GitHub has been going after “grey” repos for a bit once they are discovered (see switch emulation and the many fan games).
Most of the time, I personally just avoid by going to publishers that dont lock down books. They make things much easier than Amazon.
Nice having your own library is the way to go!
I heavily depends on where you get them. Most ebook publishers actually DONT put DRM on them. And other software can very easily remove the DRM if it is on the books.
Most systems can read the ebook format. Linux/Mac/Windows often comes with software. And if they dont, Calibre can work them.
https://github.com/Quill-OS/quill is a thing, although you have to get the exact model in order to make it work.
I really wanted https://github.com/joeycastillo/The-Open-Book to be a thing, but its very hard to get the parts and assemble (in my opinion).
https://gitlab.com/guyjeangilles/piereader looks promising.
Honestly, the biggest hurtle does NOT appear to be the hardware, its getting the ebook in an open format. If Amazon removes the ability to download the files, then it really doesn’t matter what you run, you cant read your book.
Theres other publishers that give you all the file types like: https://www.baen.com/. I recommend finding and supporting those.
Looks like it’s just in relation to the ui.
It’s git is here https://github.com/miniflux
That would be cool. Closest I have is just a pinned link via Firefox.
Looks like a custom client. Cool