@RemindMe@programming.dev 16 years
They/hello!! Also @match@pawb.fun
@RemindMe@programming.dev 16 years
the isekai protagonist caste
i installed a dual boot for mint a little bit bac and just recently wiped out my windows boot partition. could not be happier. nobody try to sell me on any other distros I’m still figuring out what a wayland is
That’s not even counting the ones that make your user experience worse on purpose
Greek tragedies tend to start at a high point and head towards a low point and this boy never had a high point at all. This is more like a Russian tragedy
Harry “Cool S” Truman
fight for chagossian self-rule so that we can keep having .io addresses
yes thank you!
the structure of corporate law is systematically directed towards this behavior
it was vastly easier to install linux mint than it is to figure out registry editing or whatever the fuck i’d need to avoid this
this game is fucking lovely, and i appreciate that the early access has about an ingame year of content. really excited to see it come out in full before i play through it all
twitter is dead and a shit zombie stands where it was
i hope musk buys it and loses another $100 billion
that’s almost certainly myth
i haven’t tried it but I’m sick of ubuntu being years behind on vim versions, what’s good about neovim?
qa Ienjoyq 200@a
what times do you think might be wrong?
oh wow, accerationism but for apocalypse. antichrist accelerationism
it’s not like they didn’t know the original poster existed when they made the official poster. they made it a particular way on purpose and the edit doesn’t respect that