If that “logic” helps you cope, fine, but its effectiveness will probably deteriorate rapidly over time. Enjoy knowing that the next four years are partially your fault.
I wonder how long their corporate overlords will allow this to continue.
Google should absolutely not be allowed to get away with this crap.
Mark Zuckerberg’s opinions on ethics and morality are very important to me.
(I won a bet with myself. I managed to type that whole sentence without bursting into laughter.)
I don’t know anything about how this character is used in the game, so please pardon my ignorance. Having said that: the bow tie has a huge advantage in that it never has to move. If the duck waddles along, the tie should move side-to-side independently. If the duck jumps, is hit, or near wind or an explosion, the tie will need independent animations for each circumstance. If the duck is carried, the neck tie should always point down, unless it’s fast or wobbly; then the tie should move accordingly. I’m sure there are other circumstances I haven’t mentioned, but you get the point.
Wow. I have overthought this.
From a development perspective, I lean strongly towards the bow tie. It’s much simpler. Also, as another commenter mentioned, that top hat demands a bow tie.
Plan? The CEOs plan to buy another yacht. These people are only interested in short term profits, not the long term well-being of their employees.
deleted by creator
“I could use my company’s tremendous wealth and influence in a positive or even neutral way, but it’s easier to be a spineless, pathetic coward.”
Good for them. I hope they use that time to find another job elsewhere.
They should start their own Mastadon server instead of relying on yet another foreign corporation.
I’m so fucking glad I never made a facebook account. Even years ago I saw it as an unnecessary annoyance; I can’t believe how bad it’s gotten since.
I’d be cool with calling them tȟatȟáŋka
World has appealed the decision and has asked regulators to provide judicial clarity on whether the processes and, in particular, the Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) deployed by World Network meet the legal definition for anonymisation in the EU.
So… their legal defense is sealioning?
At that point, Donner had been a director for over twenty years. He knew how the game was played. Hats off!
The victim was a billionaire, and apparently there were no serious injuries. This is a comedy.
This doesn’t sound “malware-like”. It sounds like just plain malware.
Still, “under $2,000” for a corporation of that size is a surprisingly low amount, compared to the others. Not even worth the negative publicity. Odd choice.
The “almost” in this statement is absolutely crucial. Nicely done.
Plenty of significant AI fuck-ups have received major media coverage. Every government/organization should know about them. If they’re still stupid enough to use AI, they deserve what they get.