Which one? Internet is not held by one thing, it’s a network.
Which one? Internet is not held by one thing, it’s a network.
What’s just HHD then?
He heck is HHD+? Is this some new fangled storage tech I’m too SSD to understand?
Finally some real change.
There’s nothing to access from signal, the keys are local to each chat. WhatsApp another thing.
Meanwhile CIA is promoting Signal. USA should sort itself out.
It was very popular on high schools in mid 2000s here. I guess easier to hide than smoking.
Yeah I see. I don’t know if I can help, as I’ve only used caddy outside of podman, as a separate machine, pointing back to my services.
Please confirm for me, the client traffic looks like proxy is the source on the containered services?
I haven’t had that issue with caddy before, but may be I’m using some particular config to make sure it always passes the client IP.
Some services also need a setting to “know” they are behind a proxy and should look for client address in the headers like x-forwarded-for.
Git revert --hard no need to copy anything
Moonlight + Sunshine are the goat. My private cloud gaming.
Is there an anomaly-size rework yet?
Fun fact, I worked with several other people on a localization patch for polish version of Morrowind, and we had so many of those east-west mixups fixed. Of course the publisher just translated strings and didn’t QA anything.
Story is the least important part of Stalker series (there’s 3 previous games).
Coming out of 8 was the only time I left the cinema genuinely angry.
I’m fairly sure it’s just canon. Fedora got it’s name from the logo of RedHat.
Wait till they hear of scanners and copy machines. The books aren’t safe either!
I know the reference, and I’mma let you finnish, but 5/7, bruh that’s a gucci gun.
This comment tought me more about PSUs and UPSs than my entire experience in IT in a very concise way. Good one.