AIs can generate false statements. It doesn’t require a set of beliefs, it merely requires a set of input.
AIs can generate false statements. It doesn’t require a set of beliefs, it merely requires a set of input.
I just assumed Notepad++ made the writer happyyyyyyy, made them feel fiiiiine
Moderators at Facebook have been arguing these points for a while now, many of which have gotten mental issues though their work and don’t get any medical support
How in the actual hell can Facebook not provide medical support to these people, after putting them through actual hell? That is actively evil of them.
most phones now don’t support memory expansion
Well of course not. If phones supported memory expansion you would just buy more memory, instead of buying an entirely new phone Don’t even get me started on how bloated these apps have become. I used Paperclip word processor on a Commodore-64; you can not convince me that your app needs to be 50+ Megs in size.
Fascinating :)
no doubt it’s all been squirrelled away into crypto. They’ll have fun trying to hold the guy accountable. Oh wait, no, accountability is for the poors.
Anyway, enjoy the sound of the keys jingling, folks
In other news, theconversation.com is now re-branding as thefuckingobviously.com
Best of fucking luck, hon. You’re on the Fury Road now. What you need is a U-turn.
“Either the Line Goes Up or the Rope Goes Up” - evil CEOs everywhere
They fear Cory, as should they all.
I hear it pairs well with Super Mario Bros
next up: US Bill proposed to jail people who watch MSNBC US Bill proposed to jail people who watch PBS US Bill proposed to jail people who don’t buy a cybertruck US Bill proposed to jail people who don’t vote GOP
So much freedom, so little time.
Don’t hate the timeline, hate the news. There are real people out there still trying to make the world work, getting stepped on, pushed over, marginalized, silenced. They need you. They need all of us. Do not let The Bastards win.
(I’m still workshopping the “don’t hate the player hate the game” - suggestions are welcome. Words can still inspire people, even before coffee)
he’s got “ring around the nostrils”
yeah today’s been a day
Wait until they start “the VPN wars”. it’s invariable at this point. Only the VPN that has bribed The Emperor the most will survive.
I guess gamers really are walking dollar signs, according to all these folks.
If you want to produce the same shit twice, just use a colon.
never submit
I hear you, but the writer isn’t concerned with “can”: If you replaced “can have the answer to any question in seconds from my a tiny device in my pocket” with “must” then you can see their dissatisfaction.
if I went to a restaurant and was told that I had to install and use their app to order their food, I would fucking leave. If it was the only restaurant left in town then I’d have much less choice in the matter. The insidious nature of technology is that it changes “can” with “must”.