I think he meant SSN.
I think he meant SSN.
Bonus: Elon “fuck yourself in the face” Musk pretending to be shocked.
It’s the amount of data you can download from the usenet network. The data can be anything stored on Usenet servers, but the overwhelming majority of users use it for piracy: movies, tv shows, music, video games, you name it.
Wayland itself can’t crash, it’s just a set of protocol specs. The implementation you’re using (gnome/KDE/wlroots…) does. Obviously this doesn’t solve your problem as an end-user, just saying that this particular issue isn’t to blame on Wayland in itself.
Yeah, definitely better than 8.
I watched a friend’s teenage son play a couple of times. They don’t seem to play battle royale or any kind of competitive mode anymore, they just chat and dick around in what seems to be seasonal levels. Reminds me of my WoW days where I logged in to do my dailies more for the social engagement than the actual gameplay.
I used Ubuntu at work a couple of years ago. When they announced the switch to snaps I didn’t really care, but when they switched Firefox to the snap version it had quite a few issues like really slow startup, inconsistent theming, and problems with some extensions. So I uninstalled the snap, installed the standard DEB and went on with my work.
But then the issues came back, and it took me some time to figure out they had replaced the actual DEB package with an unholy shim which just installed the snap. THAT really pissed me off, so when I got a new laptop I just installed Arch and my only regret was not doing it sooner.
Nah, Hibernate, Spring and most major Java frameworks have largely moved away from XML. It’s still supported, but these days it’s mostly configured in the code directly, with properties loaded from yaml, JSON or the environment (for containers).
The JDK ecosystem is in a pretty good spot nowadays. With Spring boot you can whip up a productions ready back-end very fast, or if you prefer a more hands-on approach there are lighter frameworks/libraries quarkus or micronaut.
The Java language itself has evolved fast and is actually pretty nice now, and if you prefer something more modern akin to TS or swift you can just use Kotlin which is almost 100% interoperable with Java.
Since Java 14 it looks like this:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException:
Cannot invoke “String.toLowerCase()” because the return value of “com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()” is null
at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(HelpfulNullPointerException.java:10)
But it’s their legitimate interest! ^Whatever ^that ^means
It requires 16GB RAM, which is perfectly acceptable. But it can use more if available, for high res textures I assume. Which are streamed from Microsoft’s servers, explaining in part the difference between install size and max memory requirements.
What do you use? I rooted my phone precisely for this, but google pay and my bank still see I’m not on the stock ROM : (
They have to call, mail or physically go to the bank I guess.
Unfortunately it will, if I want to add a new transfer recipient or make a payment on a 3D secure website, the app is mandatory, even on desktop.
Sadly most French banks use a custom validation process which requires you to use their app to validate a transaction. And my main bank’s app has warned me that it will “soon” stop working on custom ROMs…
Yeah but banking apps are starting to check integritynet, and (in France, at least) they’re pretty much mandatory to do anything useful with your bank account/credit card online… I think Uber does too, I boycott them but others might follow suit…
Currently running lineageos, but I think I’ll just give up and go for a Pixel for my next phone… Sucks to let google win but I like to do useful things with my phone…
I mean US did it, twice, on civilians, no sanctions
There are of course a lot of reasons why these two situations can’t really compare, but an obvious and major difference is that only the US had nukes at the time, so no MAD.
Funny thing is, I’d never heard of it before reading about its success in the US. Nowadays it’s available in supermarkets and some bars, but it’s not really popular AFAICT.
Most of the controllers beforehand had proprietary connectors that would never work in the PC.
That was in the 90s… 20 years ago I was gaming on PC with a PS1 dual shock using a cheap adapter, and then switched to the Xbox 360 controller which used a standard USB port.
The VBA part of the meme is real, VBA is (was?) localized. Turns out it’s a horrible idea: some keywords are badly translated, some are not translated at all. Googling localized error messages is useless, so you need to guess the original error message from the translation. Want to copy/paste a function from SO? Not so fast, you need to translate the keywords first! And the variable names as well while you’re at it.
Ironically, you end up spending a lot of time on translation-related issues. I’ve worked on a french-VBA app, and it was a miserable experience (well, even more miserable than english VBA).