I like stand-up. It’s probably the only time of the day I see my coworkers. Also we don’t do status reports or anything so maybe I’m just lucky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I like stand-up. It’s probably the only time of the day I see my coworkers. Also we don’t do status reports or anything so maybe I’m just lucky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I loved gunning down the rival with my electabuzz
FFXIV runs alright in the deck.
Good thing they never make a mistake when we ask actual questions!
Blame whoever implemented it if you want, but 9 times out of 10 it’s management that’s pushing for a quick fix.
Its a great way to make simple code 300% bigger than necessarily.
I know the second one is better, but I also know I’m terribly inconsistent with this stuff.
Probably Elden Ring. The nost important thing to remember when you are struggling is that the game gives you a ton of options to tackle many problems: do it in a way that makes sense to you. If that’s magic, go for it. If it’s carrying a bow and arrow to lure enemies, thats also good. Summoning friends? Even more fun!
Game reviewer mad when people review a game “wrong”? More likely than you think.
Isn’t the point of injecting classes so that you don’t have tens of instances of the same class in memory?
Backend developer: “The new functionality is done!” PO: Looks at tests “Seems good, ship it!”
Frontend developer: “The new functionality is done!” PO: Looks at his screen “This spacing could be a little to the right, also I think I didn’t really like this text, also it should probably auto-scroll to the top and this button should change colors when I click it and also don’t forget to change the error messages I was happy with before and also I think it should…”
Then they change what the function does without updating the name and you misunderstand the code completely.
It all depends on how much time is spent on them. A few hours a week? No biggie. 3+ hours every single day? Do they think we can develop anything like that?
I love coding at work, unfortunately 90% of what I do is not coding.
I find inserting text to be extremely confusing.
This needs a bit of work but it could be interesting
Gane is too based for TERF island