League of Legends, Dota2
League of Legends, Dota2
Yeah I use debian + kde for decades. Debian will install your pick of DEs at install.
Debian it’s a rock solid base that can be updated automatically with minimal user oversight
Yeah that is his point he is trying to make at some point you just have to come to terms with that trust since you are right it’s not feasible to build your own hardware.
No worries , but i think I’m not being clear if you build it from scratch. how are you going you going to compile it ?
Your welcome but that’s the point he was making even if you build everything on your own. The backdoor would be in the compiler. So even if you built /bin/login for example he would just inject it at compile time when compiling your code. But then you asked I will just compile the compiler but you have to compile it at some point and he can inject the code back into the compiler at that point.
If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
Read about the Southern Strategy and you will realize it’s the same people that just switched sides.
Agreed I have high hopes since the trailer just looks fun and is not embarrassed by its comic roots like the other dc movies and Gunn has been a solid director.
Your domain need to be tied to cloudflare you don’t need to buy one from them. I just moved mine to them didn’t pay them a dime
Or just use Startpage.com directly
What I also liked is they are way more open with disabled people on TV and radio as well. Now if they could just get the public financing in order after the Tories ran up the credit card for 13 years.
Yeah I saw warriors of the wind when I was very young and never knew the name of the movie but would go up to videos stores in the 90s and basically discibe the movie. Girl on a glider chases after giant bugs. No one knew what I was talking about. Then when Disney did the release with news dub in 2005. I saw a ad for it on TV at like 2am and freaked woke my parents up and everything.
Brazil 1985
The matrix 1999
Nausicaa valley of the wind 1984
To answer your question yes both unity and unreal both support development on Linux like you said DirectX is the only odd man out for obvious reasons.
Oh very true but it’s the closest thing I have seen some services like jumpcloud have had good luck expanding beyond that into configuration.
It’s limited of course https://4sysops.com/archives/applying-group-policy-to-linux-using-sssd/
There is and it can be mapped to GPOs when connecting to AD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Security_Services_Daemon
Yeah what I never got was how did they find new perfect builds if you were not allowed to play the game freely to try new things. I mean I known the answer it was data mining but at that point is it a game or a job and you are just going through the motions. What ever happened to GG and you in something you lose some but we all had fun.