Fuck you, Netflix. Seriously, fuck you. And the other streaming services, too. Fucking cable companies were less predatory than this…
Fuck you, Netflix. Seriously, fuck you. And the other streaming services, too. Fucking cable companies were less predatory than this…
Not many individuals manage to form a stain of shame on their related species. I guess he is, indeed, remarkable in that way.
Very smooth, Mr. Musk! Masterful subtlety! Utmost discretion!
True, especially with the xPressMusic ones. They felt as though they had slightly thinner plastic. Had one of the very thin ones, a friend of mine squeezed it between the door and its frame enough to turn it into a flip phone.
On the other hand, had a 6303i I threw at a wall to see what would happen and what happenes was an uncomfortable gash left in one of our clasroom’s walls. Phone was chillin’.
Thank you for the recs, will add them to the list! Maybe it’s time to go from one to many…
Excellent, the more options the better! Thank you!
Hands down!
Thank you kindly!
Grrrreat… Can anyone please suggest an alternative? I’ve switched to Proton trying to de-Google…
Many situations have proven the contrary.
I fail to see how that is significantly different than what we have nowadays with humans.
We are dependent on large corporations already, some of us just materially while others ideologically as well.
We are denying healthcare, food, water, and shelter to people who can’t afford ridiculous prices or hold the wrong social status or have the “wrong” beliefs, skin colour, sexual orientation, gender identity, (etc., etc.) which is essentially killing them. That’s if we don’t just outright decide to ““liberate”” some other nation from whatever arbitrary reason and start carpet bombing civilians in hospitals because a handful of terrorists are supposedly active within said nation.
Catfishing has been a thing since the inception of third-party dating, and scams were a thing since before recorded history. Lying is as old as sentience itself.
Nokia were doing insanely awesome things with their hardware, beyond basically building phones which were impervious to standard human idiocy (hi, I am an average human idiot).
I thought you were referring to Musk before you actually referred to Musk. They are indistinguishable to me.
If AI were sapient/sentient, I’d be 100% for this. Sapiosexuals assemble!
Given that LLMs are far, far from sapient/sentient at this point, however, this just makes me sad thinking about the sorry state of human interactions nowadays. I don’t and can’t blame her, though…
I hope they end up in a tie. As they both run off a cliff. And into a deep ravine. Then explode.
… can we just go with the future in which we figure out ethical self-euthanasia? I’d rather do that than have ChatGPT take care of me…
The washing machine with integrated AI broke my brain. This must be the most useless thing I’ve ever encountered in my entire life.
Real question is, how can I uninstall Zuckerberg…
That’s a neat parallel, we’ve also started using it as a sort of covert euphemism for “bribe,” but it’s pretty much only when discussing political contexts (go figure…)!:))
Yep, NOW it’s a problem, though! Because it’s someone else doing the same thing, someone who isn’t part of the human centipede starting at Trump’s colon.