I’ve kinda been struggling with Qbit and Ubuntu in this regard (+time at work is killing me).
Default repo gives up Qbit v4.6.3 but doesn’t have libtorrent-raster-v2 and has only v1 but then, Qbit v5.0.4 (I think it’s that version but on my phone) doesn’t give up the i2p connection?
Anyone help out a noobie.ish wanting to give bandwidth out yet again (since the UK gov is being silly again) or, is there development for i2psnark at last?
I’ve picked up running an i2p node again for the last few weeks since I feel it’s a safer thing to use considering my governments recent shitbaggery, and while it’s hard to find a fair amount of niche shit the clearnet/recent stuff actually downloads at a decent rate.
The more people start firing up nodes now, the better it’ll become down the line hopefully.